Last seen: Apr 7, 2023
Thanks for that! My notes were confusing, so I couldn't tell if number of planets was the deciding factor or not. Jaimini is so fascinating. I love le...
Got it! That makes even more sense : )
Thanks for the clarity! Jeanne
@meyes So interesting. I haven't really looked at timing with him, but in learning about these avasthas, I'm often trying to weigh real life impact ag...
I wanted to ask. Jupiter of course is delighting everything, but it is getting so beat on in that sign, does it have anything to give?
Okay, good to know, so do you think I should ignore same lord conjunctions then? Does the Master Lajjitaadi class offer the same as the Heart of Paras...
Thank you for that clarification. Working towards getting my hands on a PC so I can study with Kala : )