Estimable Member
Joined: Dec 9, 2016
Last seen: Feb 16, 2025
Topics: 32 / Replies: 42
RE: videos not loading.

seems like we need to ask Ernst for help to figure out what's going on.

3 years ago
RE: videos not loading.

anyone has some way to fix this?

3 years ago
RE: Ketu/Sun/Saturn forming a triad, Rahu/Moon/Mercury forming another

I think it's in the mastering rahu ketu course.

4 years ago
RE: Ketu in the 12th house and lying tendencies.

@mona btw, I'm also a libra lagna with rahu in the lagna and lord of rahu with ketu in aries. interesting journey I've had.

4 years ago
RE: Ketu in the 12th house and lying tendencies.

hello Mona, been following your posts and love the way you write and your understanding of the subject. I am also totally in love with the rahu ket...

4 years ago
RE: healing rahu ketu

hello subrata, you will have to calculate your chart using the Kala software or from the vault of the heavens online. then you will see the avast...

4 years ago
RE: need help with this chart about having an accident.

would anyone be able to suggest what kind of remedy you would give this person, to help with averting or reducing the effects of the accident. than...

4 years ago
RE: healing rahu ketu

is there a course on planets in houses with descriptions of sun moon etc in each house? and planets in rasis with descriptions of them in each rasi...

4 years ago
RE: Solving bad lajjitadi avasthas

that is so fabulous Ernst. Is it possible to help someone who has combust planets to learn to work with them? and the same for people with debili...

4 years ago
RE: effects of planets

do you ever use the mathematical indications of the vargas meaning reduction, addiction, square and square root. should we try to apply them and wh...

4 years ago
RE: predicting with rasi dasas.

no I do not know that

5 years ago
RE: kalachakra dasa.

figured it out thanks

5 years ago
RE: predicting with rasi dasas.

they moved on 18th july 2020

5 years ago
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