Shad Bala consists of many calculations and each of the individual Shad Bala components has something important to say about a planet. Thus looking carefully into a planets Shadbala should be done before even beginning to look at the aspects or conjunctions a planet may have. In this course we will demonstrate how Shad Bala reveals:

•The strength with which a planet is put to use.

•Whether a planet, in its Dasa, is able to guide a person in a fulfilling direction or not.

•How important the indications of the planet are to the individual.

•The impact a planet has upon the individual and the degree with which the person will remember the effect of the planet.

•The secure and confident or insecure use of a planet.

•The capacity of the planet to deal with conflict and tackle the struggles in life.

•Is the planet supported or disrupted.

•The correct calculation of planetary war.

•The importance of Spashta Bala (a planets distinct strength).

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