Prasna, answering a question based on the chart for the moment that the question is asked, is one of the most useful aspects of astrology. Prasna can even be used for difficult things such as finding lost items.  There are many, many Prasna techniques from very advanced texts such as Prasna Marga, to very basic techniques as generally come upon. My two favorite schools of Prasna are that of the South Indian Astrologers as outlined extensively in Prasna Marga and the Tajika System. Tajika system is easier and extremely accurate, whereas the Prasna Marga system provides techniques for dealing with things ignored by the Tajika system, even such things as possession. Generally it is best to begin with the Tajika system for two reasons: it is the easiest system of astrology to learn that is more accurate than most systems and no less accurate than the best systems; and it is also a complete predictive system for use with the natal chart.

Tajika Astrology is actually Persian (known as Tajika in ancient days) astrology preserved in India. Western Astrology has its roots in Persian Astrology and surprisingly Persian Astrology is better preserved in India than anywhere else in the world. Tajika Astrology revolves around Solar Returns, known as Varshaphala and has simple specific principles that work with an amazing degree of accuracy. These same principles are used in Prasna, so learning the Tajika system will quickly make a person a well rounded astrologer who can make predictions from the natal chart as well as one who can answer specific questions based on the Prasna chart. I tell my students who want to learn to predict concrete events to learn the Tajika system, it is the easiest to learn and it is much easier to foresee events with it than it is with other systems, which generally require many more years of diligent study to use properly. The Tajika System is not as accurate as my Transit system of foretelling events, but it does not suffer from the need for perfect birth time, so I would say, overall it is the best technique to use, especially if one wants to jump into making predictions as soon as possible.

At this time I will mostly be concentrating on Prasna Videos including Prasna videos using Tajika techniques rather than making videos on Varshaphala as I have a very solid audio Varshaphala course which I would recommend to you. This course is available to learn at

Prashna is not limited to the casting of horoscopes in order to answer a question, but also includes the science of Omens as well as Svara Sastra – the science of breath. Svara Ssastra is paying attention to the closest omen to us, that of the inflow and outflow of our own breath. Svara Shastra was such a respected science in ancient India that it has been said that “only the astrologer who knows Svara Sastra can be correct in all cases.” I will therefore also include videos on Omens and Svara Sastra which have the advantage of being usable at times when casting a horoscope is not possible.