23. A Monastic’s 12th Bhava
24. An Up and Down 5th Bhava
25. George Clooney’s 7th Bhava
When Judging the Bhava, some Bhavas will only have the influence of Grahas in favorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas. These are rare Bhavas and will represent the very best of a person’s life and those things indicated by these Bhavas will hold a lifelong promise of productivity and fulfillment. Just as rare are Bhavas that are entirely under the influence of Grahas in unfavorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas. These Bhavas will indicated the very worst experiences in a person’s life that are completely devoid of productivity and fulfillment throughout the life of the individual. Most commonly found are those Bhavas that have a mix of favorable and unfavorable influences with some Grahas being in favorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas and others in unfavorable Lajjitaadi Avasthas. These Bhavas will sometimes be produced, only to be lost at another time. These are the difficult Bhavas to analyze and that needs to be done with the help of the Vimshottari Dasa so that timing the ups and downs relevant to the Bhava can be done. This requires using Vimshottari Maha Dasa with Antar Dasa, Antar Dasa with Pratyantar Dasa, Pratyantar Dasa with Sooksma Dasa, and Sookmsa Dasa with Prana Dasa in order to read the Lajjitaadi influences of one Dasa lord affecting another. In addition to this the rulerships of the Dasa lords need to be analyzed in order to predict the time of a Bhava coming into the life of an individual. All this will be taken up in a new course entitled Parashara’s Formula for Vimshottari Dasa Timing to begin early December. This course will also include the final set of Avasthas, the Shayanaadi Avasthas which work hand in hand with Vimshottari Dasa. Before that, however, I am going to be adding a few tables to the Avasthas Calculated Screen in Kala to make judging the static promise of a Bhava a more simple matter that will not require looking at so many individual tables. I will be making one table for each Bhava. The tables as they are now are set up for using the Avastha scores with Dasas. The new tables will focus everything on the Bhavas. Once those are complete, I will have a few more videos of example horoscopes to finalize this course before moving onto the Vimshottari Dasa course.
26. An Ill 6th Bhava
27. Charles Manson’s 12th Bhava
28. Three Cyclists 3rd Bhava (Lance Armstrong, Tejay Van Garderen and Ernst Wilhelm)
29. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Fortunate 4th Bhava
That brings us to the end of Judging Bhavas with Parashara’s Avasthas. The next step is the timing of the Bhavas indications. This is done via watching the favorable and favorable Lajjitaadi Avastha influences come and go in accordance with Vimshottari Dasa. Vimshottari Dasa works hand in hand with the final Avastha given by Parashara, the Shayanaadi Avasthas. These things will be taught in the Parashara’s Formula for Vimshottari Dasa course. In that course there will also be many more Bhava examples as it is a continuation of this course.