Regarding signs
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Regarding signs

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Hi, guys. I was reading a chart the other day. This woman had Sun and Venus in Sagittarius in the 8th house. The 8th house is the natural order of the sign of Scorpio and so I asked if she was a psychic counselor, to whch she replied that she was--she ended up being a tarot reader. Venus can be a counselor and 8th house, the original placement of the sign for Scorpio, can stand for occult studies, even though it was in the sign of Sagittarius, et cetera.


Also her 7th house was in the sign of Scorpio, a sign of relationships/marriage, and she had Uranus there too. Uranus can stand for sudden happenings and so I asked if she met her husband in a secret way, and in a sudden way, before maybe she got a divorce--she said yes and was surprised. Secrecy and divorce take place in the sign of Scorpio.  I myself also have moon in Scorpio in the 4th house. And even though 4 house has to do with home and so on, I do have a lot of the characteristics of the sign of Scorpio and am involved with esoteric studies, et cetera. I am just wondering how often one can take the characteristics of a house for the original position of the sign? It seems to be working, but would like some input. Thanks. 

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I have Mercury in my 3rd house in Scorpio so I’ve always been interested in the occult/mysteries (from binge watching Hitchcock movies as a child to studying astrology and other occult disciplines). I love to know stuff that no one else knows about (for example, am over the moon excited to start studying the Belline Oracle with a French psychic this month, mostly because no one knows about it ????????. So the Scorpio energy is present in 3rd house matters (interests, communications/media, hobbies) but, more to your point, my 8th house is in Aries which could explain that pioneering desire when it comes to the occult. So, it looks like your analysis was spot on with this lady. And as much as I always remind myself that signs are not the same as houses (8th house is not the same as Scorpio), I find there are a lot of similarities. And a lot of books are written as “in Aries or 1st house”. With that being said, when you learn Jaimini on the rasis and Parashara on the houses, it is very different so I think we would miss a lot about houses and signs by just associating them with each other’s. But it doesn’t mean there’s not a lot of similarities. Both 8th house and Scorpio have something to do with what’s hidden. When it comes to your 4th house, it’s an angular house and quite foundational in a chart so that could explain why you are involved in the occult when in Scorpio. By the way I find Sagittarius to be quite an intuitive sign in general. 

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@mona Thanks again, Mona. As far as Hitchcock goes, it has to be Vertigo, Rear Window or The Birds. I mean if birds take over your town, hopefully they will be parrots so you can at least reason and talk with them..LOL. Yes, I have always been interested in the practice and study of yoga and divination since a young age as well. That sounds very cool about the Belline Oracle--No one knows about it, but now I do--thanks to you. 🙂 I am always interested in knowing about and studying other systems. I have never heard of that one before. Yes, so far with clients I have also found that there can be a lot of elements related to the houses that a particular sign is naturally associated with. I always asks if I have the intuitive feeling. I have not studied any Jaimini yet, but will in the future. I am just trying to get the fundamentals down of Parashara first which will take me a while, but no rush. You are right about Sagittarius as I am a Sag Sun. Sag Sun/moon in Scorpio. Also in Ancient Greek astrology the 4th house is related to occult/esoteric matters as well, so that also adds to my ability or interest, having moon in scorp in the 4th house.

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@goldensky I believe the 4th house is called the nadir in Western and/or  Hellenistic astrology. As the lowest point below from the observer’s standpoint, it definitely involves hidden things. I’ve learned a lot about houses by just observing their positions in the sky. 
the Belline Oracle is mostly known in France (it was developed by a French psychic) but definitely not as widespread as the Tarot de Marseilles. It can be used as a divinatory tool but also as a self knowledge and life guide. The key is to learn how to ask the questions so you maximize the information and advice you receive. It’s also related to astrology: 7 cards per planet. I’ll be happy to share more as I learn it and eventually will be offering some free readings to practice in the fall. Will keep you posted! 
Jaimini is a whole different and big animal so I think you are doing the right thing re: mastering the Parashara fundamentals first. That being said, you can just learn about Jaimini’s description of the rasis without learning the whole Jaimini system (just in case you want a break from Parashara :). Have fun!

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@mona Yes, I definitely agree that how the question is asked is one of the most important factors in the whole process when it comes to cards. Also the question should be something that has been on your mind, something you really wish to inquire about and receive a sincere answer to. This has been my experience as far as getting the best results when it comes to cards or the I Ching. Thank you for your insights!
