I watched Ernst's new video and it also talked about mother's love and children while solving the theory.
This is not an easy question, but it would be good to know at least on a theoretical level. Is abortion related to the natural law of mother's love?
I understand that some women have decided to have an abortion in their life, and probably the decision was not easy at all, and the whole talk about abortion can sound painful. But it would be good to know if abortion as such, when a woman is already pregnant, is in accordance with the natural law of mother's love?
If a woman is already pregnant, is the natural law of mother's love already in effect?
Thank You!
That question needs to be answered by a large study of charts of woman who had abortions and those who did not have abortions and were not good mothers and those thath had abortions and then had children and were good or bad mothers. There are a lot of sublties that make a simple answer to that question impossible. For instance, there are women who want a baby. Even if they get pregnant and are alone, they want to have it. Some of these are great mothers, some are not. So we can't say, that not having an abortion is being a good mother.
Here are the three main types of cases i have seen:
A Woman wants a baby cause she is stuck in her child mind and the idea of a baby is like a child having a doll. Then the baby comes and she realizes that it's a lot of work, it's hard, and being stuck in the child mind, she simply can't raise the child well, or may even abandon the child. People stuck in child mind do the same with their pets. Child mind is not capable of taking care of anything living.
A woman is stuck in her parent mind and will not get an abortion no matter the conditions as the parent mind won't permit it. But parent mind is not a good parent, or a bad, its just a rigid parent, so we can't say that's mothers love, its just the parent mind.
A woman has a functional adult mind and the situation determines whether she aborts or keeps. One of the best mothers I know, her first pregnancy she aborted because it was with a guy who turned out to be insane with frustration and low self-esteem who would have screaming fits over things not even worth mentioning. She has all three adult planet's functioning well. But she had 5th lord with rahu rasi aspected by mars who was 7th and 12th lord. So it's no suprise that rahu delayed the actual having of children and mars contributed to that with an abortion, mars is 7th lord, cause of the man. He did not want the child and was not right for her or for fatherhood. Had she been with a solid guy, she would not have had the abortion, it would have been a different decision. Thats the adult mind, it considers the reality of the situation.
I personally think so. In the Mahabharata Ganga throws her children into the river. When questioned on the 8th child, she said, these were deities who were cursed to live a misereable life so I incarnated and gave birth to them so I can end their suffering quickly, but this last child will live as you have asked and will suffer a miserable life. That child was Bishma. So yeah, it's very possible that this child just came to earth to be in the womb for a few weeks and then go back to the astral. Personally, I don't think that would be a terrible ride and I don't think that it would happen unless its what that soul needed. The difference is that if a person aborted for wrong reasons, from their child mind let's say, those wrong reasons having done an act cause repercussions and all wrong reasons do. But still, that fetus would only have shown up in that womb if it's destiny was only a short ride in the womb.