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Character Effects: Gunas

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Hi Ernst and all. Please forgive me if this question is already answered on the forum.

I’ve been looking at the gunas and which planets are exalted/debilitated in each guna and I noticed something interesting about rajasic planets. Both Sun and Saturn are exalted and debilitated in rajas and I am trying to understand why that is. All other planets are exalted and debilitated in different gunas and it is easy for me grasp why that is the case given the quality of the particular guna. Can anyone help me understand why Su/Sa is both exalted and debilitated in rajasic signs?


2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

THank you for bringing this to my attention. I never thought of that. Rajas is passion. Sun is who were are, what kingdom we are meant to do. How do we know what that is? Its from inspiration. Inispiration has a passionate quality. So is it inspired passion from self, aries, or from others, libra?

with saturn, he is about indifference: I don't need, care for, or feel for this thing. Its the opposite of passion or inspiration. In aries, its I dont need this thing that is me. DB, in libra, its, I dont need this thing that is no longer part of me. EX. 

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Posts: 10

@ernst Bingo! Makes perfect sense now. Thank you!
