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improving a planet functioning as indicated by position of its position in the different vargas

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Hi Ernst and friends,

Delving into the understanding of one's satisfaction from a planet's position in a certain sign's hora, I wish to understand the mechanism by which we can modify or improve one's ability to alter the level of satisfaction, even though the position indicates otherwise. Broadening my question, how can one improve a planet's expression in any varga chart when it is not operating at its highest potential? My understanding is that events, upbringing, and karma, which are indicated by the position of a planet at the time of birth, in a certain sign and at a certain degree, shape the patterns through which a person will tend to operate throughout their life concerning that planet. I believe that as one becomes conscious, it will be possible to change the behavior and affect that specific element of the planet which is not optimally working. I wonder if changes made positively to improve the planet in a holistic way—not specifically to where it is not optimally working—would affect all the areas indicated by the different vargas and would improve all other areas where it is not functioning well. My question then is: What is the way to improve that planet's level of functioning so that it shows positive results in all areas of life, for example, satisfaction (Hora), communication in relation to other people (Drekkana), ability to not get overwhelmed by life’s bumps along the way/its "suspension" potential (Shodamsha), etc., when the planet is not compatible with its placement in the different vargas? For instance, with Venus positioned in Pisces in the hora of the Sun in a sign, which indicates a person who will use Venus to focus on the world rather than being influenced by the ancestral energy of family and personal interaction, reducing one's satisfaction even if it is productive, or with respect to Shodamsha, is positioned in Virgo where it is debilitated and unable to deal well with life’s bumps, does one need to change his focus and, let’s say, develop the interpersonal side of Venus which is underdeveloped due to one’s early upbringing, environment, etc., which would improve his satisfaction, as well as focusing on each element not working well with Venus (as can be indicated by other vargas) and methodically dealing with each of those areas, or is there a more holistic approach that can help a person change one core thing that would affect in a cascading way all the rest of the areas of life with respect to that planet? And if it is possible, does that mean that what is indicated by the D-40, D-45, and D-60 vargas, which show the ceiling of a planet’s potential in all aspects of life, will then up the ceiling and be improved?

6 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
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there is simply not enough time in the day to make a planet function wll in every varga. A lot of what we see in a chart is simply choices based on the hierarchy of importance a person gives to something. So we choose to use our time on one thing, and in turn, neglect something else. You need a day to yourself, and so you neglect your spouse. SOmeone needs you, you focus on them, then have to find time to catch up on yourself. You go on vacation for a month, now finances are stressed.  There is no change those realities. Everyone is picking the things to focus on that is most "important" to them, the important thing is to observe and question if these really ARE whats most important to them as we can have all kinds of issues that cause us to focus on things that are not even what we really want to focus on. 

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i get that and that is logical. with respect to the 16th varga/shodamsh where Venus in a bad shape however in the rasi its exa how can one improve on that?

also another question of technicality come to my mind, if a planet in a specific varga in a certain hora, can we conclude it ability to be satisfied in that varga based on its position in a sing of that varga, for instance venus in the saptamsha in Capricorn in the hora of the moon in that varga and in another varga (lets say navamsha) it's in Aries in the sun hora, can we say that in the saptamsha it will be able to feel satisfied while in the navamsha not? 

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Amit Bhat
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Just keep improving the natural Venus qualities through mantras or any remedies and whatever it rules in any varga should also get improved as a result. It's like as you deposit more money in your bank account, then whenever whatever need arises, you can withdraw the required amount but if the account is deficit, then no amount can be withdrawn. 

Also say if it's dB in Virgo in d16, then virgo qualities also need to be improved as that helps Venus too. But as it can become quite overwhelming, so I believe raising the planet consciousness will do the most job. Say if you are truly magnetising your consciousness with Venus energy, I feel that will on its own generate internal satisfaction irrespective of outer circumstances. Like true yogis to whom external circumstances don't matter much as they are internally fully absorbed in ecstasy of divine consciousness.

Amit Bhat
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Just keep improving the natural Venus qualities through mantras or any remedies and whatever it rules in any varga should also get improved as a result. It's like as you deposit more money in your bank account, then whenever whatever need arises, you can withdraw the required amount but if the account is deficit, then no amount can be withdrawn. 

Also say if it's dB in Virgo in d16, then virgo qualities also need to be improved as that helps Venus too. But as it can become quite overwhelming, so I believe raising the planet consciousness will do the most job. Say if you are truly magnetising your consciousness with Venus energy, I feel that will on its own generate internal satisfaction irrespective of outer circumstances. Like true yogis to whom external circumstances don't matter much as they are internally fully absorbed in ecstasy of divine consciousness.

Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@sharonsegall That not how horas work there is no hora of sun or moon in navamsa, there is only the horas of sun and moon for the half of each zodiac sign in the rasi. So a planet is only in One hora. The dignity of a planet in all vargas supports it in all vargas. so if its ex in the rasi, that will impact and help its affects in all vargas. how much, thats what we use vimshopaka bala for. To help a planet in a varga, focus on that planet and also, very importantly, its lord in that varga.

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Posts: 257

@ernst ok great, that is the connection i was looking for and intuitively leaning towards thank you!!!!!!
