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Which calculations to use

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I'm confused between which settings to use ur ERNST calculation settings or the default astrology settings which are used everywhere?


Because ur logic in deciding ur settings make alot of sence but they change the chart as a whole it completely changes my lagna thus all my houses and specially with jamini astrology which is totally based on atmakaraka and changes everybody's charts.


With using ur settings I get six, three point yogadas using jamini success in my chart and it's so wonderful and beautiful chart and I also happen to be currently running that planet's dasha but I got no success but infact got stuck and when I use the normal settings in my chart they don't portray such points to me and they also give me kemadruma yoga and bandana yoga which explains my situation and always failure in life and nearly not as much success which is visible using your settings so is it true that your settings might just happen to work well on some people's chart rather than others but I never saw you mentioned anything like that and also while using my mother shark with your settings it gets beautiful she gets an exalted Saturn in Laguna and Mars Jupiter Yoga in the second but she has no life and no money like that and she got some mediocre chart using normal settings which reflects her life so I was just wondering that if they just happen to work well only on some short better than others..


Even if u don't care about a seperate limited duality conciousness individual, i know u care about ur own research so i thought maybe u could put me out of this crises...

1 Reply
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I tested tropical zodiac vs sidereal zodiac, which is what most vedic astrologers uses, for 2 years on all techniques. Tropical panned out better on all techniques, but was it PERFECT, no. but it was better. THere is always something we do not know when we look at a chart, we can never know it all, so based on what we know, something may seem like its not working, but maybe there is a principle that we have not yet learned that is keeping us from reading the chart correctly. Due to this, when testing calculations we have to do two things:

Recognize how much we know, if we do not know a great deal of astrology, there is really no hope in being able to judge a calculation option. 

Test several charts because by testing several charts with a sound knowledge base the things one does not know will have less of an influence on messing up the accuracy of the test.

