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Looking for study groups and people not looking to make a buck at every corner to learn astrology

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What do I have to offer? I have shri yoti star 9 software and knowledge of bach flower remedies that also include FES and Alaska flower essences. I am more or less okay with divination, but I am really bad at helping myself with it and can only really effectively help others. I can also do with in conjunction with astrocartography, which I would love to unite with this art more as I do with everything.

What am I looking for? People who can help me read my chart to become my own best astrologer and diviner. You can go through dozens of astrologers, spend thousands in the end and get nowhere as a result, so for that reason I am very leary of people looking to make a dollar off of astrology as I view it as an art that really should be seen as more a charitable act then a to add to the general pool of sin to the world.

In part this is just who I am and I want to be with others like me, and in part I really dislike the astrology world in general as I find much of it just disgusting and mundane in its use. Prove me wrong please.

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@uunarim; Hi, I read the Cards of Truth if that´s interesting for you?


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Posts: 89

@meyes Okay. I am not familiar with that system of divination. By enlarge most of what I have done with that has just trail blazing with my own path, so I am curious how that might turn out.

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Posts: 694

@uunarim Let´s meet online, or what do you say about that? I´m interested in your Alaska flower essences; my fiancé works with flowers and we are planning to start our own brand, so... Fun fact: I´m Swedish and we was there this summer; the project seems to get a quite arctic profile.

Astrocartography: also very interesting! I love Ernst´s techniques in that field but would gladly add another or two.

My e-mail address: mattias.sigurdsson@gmail.com

