Jupiter - the husba...
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Jupiter - the husband, Venus - the wife..?

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As more charts I see I observe that the women who are single at an older age usually have Jupiter combust by the Sun, so if we think about it.. More frequently Venus is combust than Jupiter, and if Venus stands for the wife in a man's chart and it is more frequently combust than Jupiter in a woman's chart, does that mean that this is the reason why man accept more easily being single or unmarried? Or that man are more frequently single that women? 

Also for knowing the partner of a person do you check first Jupiter and Venus and then 7th house and 7th lord and Navamsa or Svamsa by Jaimini? What is your priority?

Also what position do you check for what situation and place the couple will meet? i have heard that the house Jupiter and Venus are placed is the situation in which they will meet. Do you think thats valid at all?




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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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I start the description with the 7th from svamsa. 

the situation and place depends on the dasa that gives the event, so you have to first time the event and then based on those planets, predict the details of the situation. 

The reason that men are more okay with being unmarried than woman is that woman are looking for jUpiter in marriage, men are just looking for Venus in marraige. Its more important to have jupiter in our lives than venus. 

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@ernst Thank you Ernst, for the elaborate reply.

Have you given a taught of creating a facebook group for us who study astrology with you? It will be nice and very easy to post charts and even more people will be engaged with our questions. Also it will be easier to communicate on a personal level for small details without spamming on the topic. I asked in another tread if there is one, and other people also suggested that they will even help with the moderation of it, if necessary. I am also willing to help however I can. What do you think about that idea?

Kind regards

Amit Bhat
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Hi Ernst 

Description you explained 7th from swamsa in d9, d7 and d1.

I also read the 7th from pada and upa pada in d1 too. Also 7th from transfered d1 upa-pada in d7 too.

Should we read the 7th from pada and upapada in d9 and 7th from pada in d7 too? I think that's not required, right?

Also can 7th from Vimshottari lord or caranavsmsa dasa can show that even if that's not any of above? 

Thank you 

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@ernst Have you noticed that combustion of Jupiter frequently gives no marriage charts? Do you think if it adds to it at least? 

For the FB group, I get you. ???? However you decide, you have done a really good job with this forum and also the attention that you pay to all the treads, its really awesome and practical. So we have this forum, which is still a lot. In any case, if you decide in the future for a group, you can have me in mind for the maintenance. Best 


Ernst Wilhelm
Joined: 12 years ago

Posts: 3502

@katalina1 in a woman's chart combust jupiter makes it hard for her to find a compatible person. In societies that have extensive dating periods, that often means less chance of marriage becasue they find out. But in those people who for personal reasons or situations, don't wait, they marry a person they are not fully compatible with.

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@ernst I see. Also, I find that many widows have Jupiter combust. Do you think that my observations are based on a coincidence, rather than some scientific basis?

And when you just want to describe a type of the partners a certain women tend to choose, do you prefer speaking for Jupiter, instead of 7th house and 7th house lord in the Rasi? 

Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@katalina1 yes, it makes sense as it reduces the force of Jupiter in the chart and that can cause the husband to not last as long. For the person chosen, you need to see both jupiter and 7th house factors.

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@ernst And last, I promise. 🙂

On the Yoga Judgement class, I didn't hear you speak on the Saraswati yoga, where Jupiter is with his enemies Venus and Mercury conjunct. It is known to be a good yoga, however, how do you think that affects Jupiter? Is it good for the sign and still bad for Jupiter?

Ernst Wilhelm
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Posts: 3502

@katalina1 The yoga will give wealth and success, but yes, it will hurt Jupiter's fulfillment as per the lajjitaadi avasthas.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I did not do a facebook group cause many people hate facebook and i wanted a place everyone can go to, so I did this group. I also, myself, hate the facebook group format. Its so messy!

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@ernst I know what you mean about hating FB...I think the Having more LOVE in your life was a fantastic idea and was so excited about it. It just came at a point when I was so done with FB and took the decision of deleting it forever instead of just deactivate it....speaking about lost opportunities and timing

...and I love this platform here. It's very useful and efficient.... I check it daily and it feels organized and easy to search for old posts, which was an issue with the old yahoo group format
