Gems to empower Mar...
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Gems to empower Mars

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I have a shamed Jupiter in my 5th house. Shamed by the presence there of Mars and also by Ketu.

I have a hard time to say no to certain things. Week willpower. Lack of discipline. So my guess is that empowering my Mars - heavily starved by Saturn - would help.

It´s in Libra. Can anyone tell me about any gem or other remedy that would help me to strenghten my discipline? I would be grateful.


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How is Mars starved by Sa if not conjunct it? 

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I´ve got a very special Saturn... Nah, you are right Scott, thanks for telling, I fell in the old trap of seeing opposition Mars/Saturn as a problem from my days as a Western astrology student. It says 60 varupas in the table in Kala, but you are right, it´s neutral, I just assumed.

Maybe my Mars isn´t that horrible after all... I think I will take down this post in a while.



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I have noticed Ma/Sa oppositions in transits can be tough energies (generally speaking). 

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@scott-m-19 Yes... For that aspect the western and vedic interpretation really contradict each other I think, in western it´s a serious issue and in vedic it´s like nothing, right? In the natal chart that is. Haven´t studied transits much yet.



Ernst Wilhelm
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7th lord in 5th is a yoga for long term relationships being a struggle but side play comes easier. tHe 3rd lord in the 7th makes for a person with a lot of sexual virility. Then you get the 7th lord with the 6th lord and that is the loosing control. So even without the shamed Jupiter, this would all be happening, but maybe without the shamed Jupiter you would not feel bad about it. A shamed planet will find a reason to feel ashamed about anything related to the shamed planet and house its in. So, if you got the yogas for more than the average amount of sex, its nothing to be ashamed about as long as there is no shaming going on during sex as then that would be the projection of the shame and that would need to be healed. 

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@ernst Wow... That really explains it to me!

The shaming really has played out in my life in some concrete 5th house way; like me being kind of fooled into a longterm relationship by the classic female trick "it´s a safe day today" when it turned out to be her ovulation day, and 9 months later came Emil... That´s HER shame I believe, that is also in her chart... Well, also mine for being fooled so easily. But another on my shame account comes also that I felt harm and didn´t fully embrace the arrival of the world´s most beautiful creature, our first son. And then also having to leave my daughter from my first relationship behind in Chile... 

But yes, I also feel that my sexuality takes the form of an addiction, and there is shame there of course. I now work in a SLAA - sex and love addicts - program. There are worse case than me, for sure, but still. It´s an energy one must be responsable with.


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@ernst So, even though his 7th lord is in the 11th, aspecting the gives the same sort of struggle?


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@valen But it´s not, if it´s me that you are referring to, the 7th lord is Jupiter, which is in Libra conjunct the 6th lord Mars.


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@meyes hmmm, I have to check again because I might have your chart lagna wrong

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@valen It´s Gemini. Tropically, that is.

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Why does the 7th and 6th lords conjunct create the "losing control" aspect? Artha lord and Kama lord conjunct? 

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@scott-m-19 Maybe the 6th being an indication for enemies has something to do with it, like "people with bad influence"?


Amit Bhat
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@Mattias At a quick glance, the most troublesome place in your chart is Aries having DB Saturn and Rahu. Both are ripping this Aries apart. Aries is a male sign of will power. So, it's afflicted. Saturn is suffering too and so is Rahu. So you want to heal all of these. Saturn gem is Pyroxmangite/
Andesine or Sunstone of magenta color.

You can also do bach flowers.

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@amit Spot on Amit! My 11th house/Aries is where life are playing out most of it jokes on me. In a rather cruel way sometimes, but what doesn´t kill you strengthens you, I guess. 

So it´s Saturn/Rahu rather than their Lord Mars that should get the attention?

Another theme of mine is a weak feminine side. The Moon is my AK in a feminine sign and vargottam allright, but except for that all my planets plus the ascendent are in masculine signs. What do you think about that? For me it has been detacted as an unbalance has been shown to me praying with tobacco, and that tradition also offers ways of healing it. Ceremonies with grandfather fire among them; I had one today, very deep and healing.


Amit Bhat
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Your Saturn is hit by moon, Mars and Sun in LAs and there is not enough help on it. Saturn is also in khala (low) avastha being debilitated and impaired by Rahu. And you are in Saturn Dasha too now. So this should be the key planet to focus healing. After that Jupiter is next unhappy planet. So, 5/11 axis having the troubles.

You got a nice beautiful vargottama moon in the 4th. All others planets in masculine signs means you are go getter and initiative oriented majority of times but should be pretty intuitive too due to this moon as it's your key planet being AK.Its having the most Shadbala too.

Weak feminine side in what context you mean?

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@amit Thank you admit!

Yes, a Vargottam Moon as AK, also in the 4th house and in a feminine sign, should be able to weigh up all those masculine traits I guess. Makes sense. 

Just learned from Vic Dicara that, according to Phaladipika, one of the aspects of the 5th house´s intelligence is foresightness. Similar to intuition. So with Ketu, Jupiter and Mars there - yes, quite intuitive. 

Saturn Dasa, yes. I must really do what you are telling me to do for to preserve my health, that so far in life has been very good.

Any tips about fasting? Someone told me to fast on tuesdays because of Mars being Saturn´s lord, but wouldn´t Saturdays be better?

Weak feminine side in the context of receptivity. Trust in life. Not overworking things, getting in the way from myself. With Rahu and Saturn conjunct it happens all the time, of course. And I often act out of anxiety, despite my good Moon in the 4th. Pluto is there, in close conjunction, maybe that´s why.

With Ketu in Jupiter conjunct trust in a higher power comes easily to me; and those planets are in the 5th, so for me God is quite jovial; a humouristic prick. (And since his humouristic I have no problem calling him that way...) But my trust in life is less developed. If you remember the thread that initiated a while ago, "Mother issues"...?




Amit Bhat
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Moon itself is very intuitive. Imo fasting is beneficial in general to be done scientifically based on how much you can do. Nowadays intermittent fasting / keto diet is quite popular. They say fasting helps to do autophagy if we are able to do it for longer hours without eating anything.  Liver is said to store glucose to last for 3 days. 

I think trust in life issue could be linked with Jupiter starvation because Jupiter represents faith.

D40 key varga for auspiciousness and 4th cusp is the key bhava and moon the key planet. Both of these hurt by Rahu rasi aspected by DB Venus. Also DB Mars in the lagna and moon in 6th. I think this should explain for issues with mother because it's an impaired moon in the house of difficulties and that MK Mars representing mother too db in the lagna means circumstances revolving mother path crossing you  pretty stressful or very less auspicious.

Would request @ernst to comment on your D40 too.
