Houses, cusps and e...
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Houses, cusps and elements

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 849
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Noble Member
Joined: 2 years ago

I wonder about everyone´s experience - especially yours obviously, Ernst, if you feel inspired to answer this - of using gemstones in a more playful, experimental and free way.

Like for example strengthening an element, cusp or modality.

I, for example, have my Moon in Virgo. Perfectly good in the 4th, but I need to bring more water into my chart, so I will try a pink opal for Cancer, where the Moon is in even better dignity and in water, as it likes. Plus it´s my 2nd house, so it might help me to create more abundance. (Plus I will carry a pink stone for Jupiter anyway, but the combination...)

So, the elements... But what about improving a planets Dig Bala? My Mercury is in the 7th; if I wear a cyan Mercury stone for my lagna Gemini, it should improve my Mercury in that sense.

Now, if the cusp we want to improve is in a house where the planet gets bad dignity, or if it´s the 6th, 8th or 12th from the planet, I guess we must consider to put it in a nearby house (if we are talking about dignity)...

... and so on...

Again: Does anyone have any experience and/or thoughts about the topic?

