Disappeared friend_...
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Disappeared friend_Upcoming solar eclipse

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Hello Ernst and All,

I listened today to Ernst's new YouTube video about the yearly solar eclipse in October.

While listening to it I thought I will check the horoscope and transit of a friend who disappeared a few days ago. (We heard about him last time on Wednesday.) We are very worried about him, and I have found bad omens in his chart, but since I have not dived deep into predictive astrology, I am turning to you for some more insights.

But first what I know about him from his wife and personal experience:

- He is a father of five, so always busy, there is always something to do. Very exhausted.

- He is in midlife crises, wants to have more freedom, more joy, more rest. Wants financial freedom, not doing the same work and routine every day, every week, year by year. (Kids, go to work, kids, work around house that was built a few years ago, so always something to do, fix, take care of. Then work, eat, go to bed, repeat the same every day...) 

- A tragedy almost happened to their youngest son (1.5 years old) in mid August: they left the boy in the hot car in a summar day for two hours, they found him unconscious, then they son got hospitalised, all the family in shock trauma. Furtunately, the little boy survived and it seems there are no long term medical consequences, the boy is fine and healthy. However, the authorities are visiting them regularly, most probably they will need to go to court with this case.

- Our friend wanted financial freedom and some guy whom he knows from school (?) asked him if he wants to take a ride and transport drugs. He said no, at least so far, but who knows... (He has the Sa-Ra Jaimini combinaton for drugs in his rashi chart, but not in D9 or D30.)

- He asked for some money (quite a lot) from friends, also from us, we borrowed it to him. Wife did not know about this. It seems he had a secret life.

- He is a spritiual person, with strong belief system, where the main idea revolves around family. (Peace in intercultural marriages and familied as the basis for world peace.)

- He left on Wednesday, he does not answer his phone, he disappeared from messenger and social media, his email address is blocked. 

As I told I am not really experienced/trained in predictive astrology yet, but it was shocking to me to see that the solar exlipse will transit his natal Ma and Sa (conjoined) in 12th house, Ma is his lagna lord, Moon is his Atma Karaka. Here in Hungary, the eclipse will take place in the sign of Libra, both his natal Mars and Saturn are in Libra.

His birth details:  27. 06. 1984. at around 5 pm (not rectified) in Tirana, Albania.

Does anyone have any idea what could happen to him? This is so weird, and it is so upsetting. Seeing his wife, who is my close friend, shocked and desperate, 5 kids, their daughter is the best school friend of my daughter...

That Ma-Sa transit seems to show tragedy... Only hope is that Sa is in exalted. 

What happened to him? What did he do? Will he return? And if yes, will they be able to cope with this shock? With his secret life? 

Any idea? 

Thanks a lot for all your ideas, insights.

Kind regards,



8 Replies
Amit Bhat
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Hi Agnes

I will say few things:

1- Dasa lord Ju ruling 5th is DB in 3rd. 5th house is continuity and 3rd is using your will to get the things done. As a result things will work only as long as person is putting energy. Continuance of responsibilities is therefore breaking as jupiter does not have uccha.

2- Antardasha lord Rahu is in 8th house emotional security which causes lack to that too. Rahu Joining with moon gives him pessimistic attitude and anxiety. Moon in 8th house is worst placement, so adjusting to life is not easy as there are so many ups and down.

3- Now he broke away in prati antar of mercury who is 8th Rasi lord of breaks too ruling this moon rahu combo.

4- Mercury 8th lord of breaks and venus 12th lord of loss are conjunct sun the 10th lord of obligations. So he broke away from his duties. 

Jupiter has good chesta and dig bala and moon is bailing him out for uccha, so Jupiter should eventually work. perhaps in ketu prati antar, he will come back to complete the family responsibilities.

I think you are using sidereal, i gave analysis based on tropical zodiac.


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Hello Amit,

Many thanks for commenting!! ????

To be honest I was so worried about this family that I even forgot to check his dashas. ???? Ernst was so cool with that eclipse video again that I was concentrating only on that. 

Thanks so much for confirming you used tropical settings. I usually also do and it seems after a laptop resetting something was not clicked properly... wow, what a mistake it would have been...! now I have the correct settings, so let me recheck his chart again.

Thank you again!

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If anyone would like to check the chart of the wife:

31. 08. 1984. at 10 pm in Debrecen (Hungary) - not rectified

Update: husband still not found, police have been notified.

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Dear Ernst and All,


Anyone feeling like commenting on this?

This guy disappeared/left a month ago, still no sign, no info.

Police searching him, my friend, his wife is in trauma, a few days ago she had to identify if a dead corpse is that of her husband. (Fortunately, it wasnt.)

I am not good at prediction yet, so I would appreciate any comment on this, this could be help to my friend.

Or maybe prashna would be bettet to gind out where the husband is, if he will return, dead or alive...

Many thanks in advance!



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