Four Planets in a H...
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Four Planets in a House

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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One client I had with a packed 3rd house had a mentally ill brother, so sibling was destroyed to some degree. Make sure you look at what house cusps are in the sign as well.

In addition to that general rule, its always a good idea to look up the meaning of multiple conjunctions in Garga Hora, that is also part of the Classical Delineations in Kala. 

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@ernst Wow Ernst! My sister is mentally ill and was hospitalized at 14 years old. Her life has been pretty destroyed due to mental illness. Astrology is so incredible!

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Thanks, Ernst! Now I know what to look at ???? .

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My father has 4 planets in his 2nd house of Libra. He grew up in a wealthy family back in his home country, and he still takes alot of pride in their wealth. However, he has never quite successfully been able to manage his own financial responsibilities upon moving abroad. There's been alot of debt incurred through bad business deals, and bad financial decision making. As adults, my siblings and I are now financially responsible for all of my parents living expenses.

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@kam Brad Pitt has 4 planets + Ketu in his 2nd house. In Capricorn. Always thought it was interesting knowing about that yoga. I assume money in no issue for him but his family life (as in: the people he is responsible for) seems quite hectic (tabloid knowledge). Also, a friend of mine has 4 planets in her first house. She is successful to a certain degree (self-employed for 30+ years and making decent money). I think she is strongly established in who she is. She has Kemadruma yoga too (Jaimini) so I wonder if hat doesn’t take down her capacity to be more successful in what she does a notch (which she’s been trying to do for several years now). Probably best to look at the chart in a holistic way (am glad I knew about this Kemadruma when I spoke to her which I didn’t mention but I also didn’t tell her success would go through the roof). Time will tell!

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@mona that's really interesting. I didn't know about Kemadruma yoga. My father would have that yoga too, except he has his Moon + Ketu in Taurus, so I believe it's effects are cancelled for him on account of Venus. He also has Rahu in Scorpio in his 3rd house. I remember Ernst saying in a video that that's a very difficult placement for Rahu.

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@kam I believe you are referring the Kemadruma yoga when the Moon doesn’t have planets before/after in a sign. This one is indeed very often cancelled. I was referring to the Jaimini Kemadruma yoga which is a different animal and takes the chart down a notch. Ernst teaches about it in his audio class if you are interested.

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@mona Ahh I see! I need to add that to my list of Ernst courses to dive in to ????

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@kam Sorry! ????

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