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Lajitaadi avashtas

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I have a chart from a person who (according to him) is unlawfully prosecuted by the government. He is running Saturn mahadasha - DB Saturn with Rahu in Aries with lord Mars conj DB Mercury in Pisces. Really tough Saturn, however in LA Saturn receives an aspect from friend Venus who rules the 10th cusp of government and 11th sign of political organisations. He is also currently running Rahu antardasha. Is there any world in which he will be fine? 

In 2023 he will enter Saturn/Jupiter antardasha. In the rasi Jupiter is weak but at least sitting in the 10th house conj 9th cusp. However, in almost every other important varga related to his situation is bad DB and in bad bhava. 

Would you say that he will go to prison or at least be convicted with a minor sentence?


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Could you upload a pic of the current animated transits (with aspects) for his chart as well? 

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Dear @katalina1

To see if one goes to prison is  a matter of concrete reality rather than psychology. So I don't suggest using Lajjitaadi  Avashtas as the main technique for prediction. I suggest you to use Jaimini and special yogas for this.

In the chart you see that Su and Ke are forming a bandana yoga (bondage) from the lagna which indicates one may go to prison. Also The Sun has rashi Drishti from debilitated Saturn and Ra/Ke which as Malefics makes thing worse. Saturn is Also the Karaka for prison.

For actual prison a relation between the first and 12 lord is needed. Here Ju the Lagna lord has Rashi Dirishti from the 12th lord while it has Parivartanta yoga with the lord of Mars the 12th Lord.

Also Ak Mars and Lagna Pada both are in Pisces while Aquarius the 12 from them,  has Sun in it with the Rashi Drishti  of Saturn and Ra/Ke. This means Su/Sa/Ra/Ke will cause him a lot of expenses.

Saturn in debilitation Rashi Aspecting 12th from the Ak,Pada and Lagna is not helping and it actually indicates Prison.

Overall in my point of view there is a big chance of being imprisoned some time in this life for the native.

But to exactly time it will not be easy.   Sa/Ra dasha is not helping at all.

In the transit screen I see that his last birthday was on February 8th around 6:40 a.m. so you could also check the Varshaphala for 2022 as well to get your answer.

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@ramin I still haven't taken the Yoga judgement course and I am not very confident in using yogas and I don't understand them very well. But I will study the ones that you mention. Do you think that they can be timed with vimshottari? 

I am a bit conflicted, because so far for this person DB Saturn dasha has given a lot, having in mind that he is a very wealthy person. I am baffled for what he even got so far in this bad dasha..

In Varshaphala he has 3 planets in 12th house, but not the Muntha, not the year lord and not the lagna lord. This three planets are in good dignity, so I would suggest it looks more like traveling abroad or just being more in solitude at home.

However, the lagna lord Saturn is combust by the Sun, which may be standing for the government. So his problems with gov will persist for the year to come. Muntha in 5th Gemini. Actually the muntha lord is in the 12th, but again not in a bad dignity, standing with some friends there. Would never suggest that it is so severe like prison. 

Attaching the Varshaphala for 2022.


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@katalina1 as i told you predicting the time is very tricky. will you be kind to provide me with the birth details so that I could have a look at the chart in my own Kala and give it a try to see if I can help you with the chart?

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@ramin sure, it is 09/02/1968 4:27 sofija, Bulgaria

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I will come at this from a psychological point of view. What is the person most afraid of losing? Can he get/win/work for it again? It is the Rahu-Saturn workings while in the Sa-Ra antardasa. Once they can see past the present and are able to see them recreate it in the future, their fear of losing will minimise, and the grip of the energies will lessen.

Ketu is also in the 10th, and Ketu is pushing the person away from 10th house things towards 4th house things.

All this is happening for the person to loosen their hold to what they think is their identity. It will either happen through internal processing. If that is avoided, it will happen through external concrete things.

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@manisha so you think that if he is willing to leave behind his worldly success and business (ke 10th house libra) and direct his attention to his emotional needs and family it will be best for him?

also do you think we should consider Ra being in the 5th house as well?

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No, he doesn’t have to leave it behind, but figure out the true reason behind how and why he is building his wealth and success. That is what the push is about - to bring things to light within his consciousness.

He might think that it is because of Ketu conjunct 10th cusp or in 11th house, but is it really?

In recent years, a few of his planets have been ashamed. There must be a turmoil within him which is now manifesting itself as a concrete reality. If he can figure out and face the turmoil within and accept whatever he is running away from, the chaos will calm down and he will be able to see things clearly. 

This year, even though his planets are starved or agitated, they are all delighted or secure or proud, so maybe he can make some progress with proper guidance.

Yes, definitely, Rahu in 5th house as well. 

This year Rahu transits through Taurus, so it will be affecting his 5th and 6th cusps and 6th house, and Ketu transiting through Scorpio will trigger the 11th and 12th cusps and 12th house. So he should prepare himself to let go of things that don’t resonate with him anymore.

Sorry, can’t help you with concrete predictions. My interest lies more in understanding the mind and figuring out how energetic changes occur and to what degree.

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@manisha what do you mean that few planets has been ashamed? By transits or you mean Saturn in the 5th natally?

Can it be said that he is afraid of facing his emotional needs 4th h Ra, as well as his own individuality and creativity 5th h Ra. And this is why he is trying to build his empire and wealth - Ke 10th, 11th instead of going to Ra. Ketu transiting 11th maybe pointing towards releasing a group, society, organisation attitude this year?

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Yes, planets ashamed the past few years through transits. Transiting Saturn has also been conjuncting his Sun since it entered Aquarius last year.

Rahu-Saturn person is learning about long-term planning, patience, perseverance, hard work. Because both are delaying planets, the house it’s in is getting delayed. 

With Rahu, it is not so much as being afraid. Rahu is dark. It is like entering a pitch-black dark room. With Rahu, we stumble, we fall, we hurt ourselves, and we back out thinking it is not for us. Ketu is misty, so we think it’s a better option than Rahu's complete darkness, even if it causes problems.

Transiting Rahu-Ketu will give the person options. Whether they choose the same options or embrace change will depend on the Avasthas and how bad they want things to be different.

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Dear @katalina1

First I suggest you take Ernst's Jaimini Audio course if you have not taken it yet. many of the combinations I talk about are there.

Sa has 3 Yogadas (Kind of Jaimini Raja yogas) and is an Argula planet from the 7th so it's dasa can be productive specially because it's stronger than Ju, the previous dasa lord. This doesn't mean it has not caused expenses and it looses it's capability for imprisonment.

Expenses will be caused due to Saturn Karakas such as imprisonment,servants,...

Also debilitated Saturn is rashi aspecting the 12th from AK,Lg and LagnaPada, which is the bhava showing result of lawsuits as well as imprisonment, will not help with the court case.

In the navamsha you see the 5th and 9th from the AK have malefics in them (Ra and Saturn) which according to Jamini indicates some one with problems to follow dharma. this may indicate some adarmic action has taken place. it could be just an inner spiritual thing or actually breaking the law.

Also in 2022 Varshaphala Sun is the strongest planet to aspecting the muntha which indicates the person is involved with some problems from the government or authorities. Also there is an ishrapha yoga between Sun and Saturn (year/Lagna Lord) which indicates some problems/events with the government in as a result of somthing that happened before this birthday.

Muntha lord in 12th with the 8th cusp lord is not looking good.

The most helpful planet is Jupiter which is also the lord of the 11th cusp but it has no yogas with the Lg/Year/Muntha lord.

Overall it doesn't look good for the result of his court and imprisonment.

There are other details to look into which I may not have covered here or not know about them because I have not taken all Ernst courses yet. Also the birth time may not be accurate enough for considering the Shashtiamsha which is very important in these matters.


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@ramin I have taken the Jaimini audio course but there is so much information there and I still can't grasp and implement everything that is said, haha 

You say that Sa being an Argula from the 7th makes him stronger than Ju. So do you think that Sa/Ju will bring evil results as Ju, you say, is the weaker planet. Also, I tried to evaluate Jupiter in the 40th and 60th varga(having in mind that it can be invalid) however in both Jupiter is DB in Cap. And if we consider the 40th varga to indicate the worst situations that a person will have, shouldn't we estimate that in Sa/Ju something very unauspicious will be experienced?

His Sa/Ju starts 9/2023 which i compared to the Varshaphala of 2023, which looks much better than the one for 2022. Still Saturn year lord combust by the sun, so we can estimate that his problems with the gov will persist in 2023. Ascendent lord in 8th which is a blemish, yes. But muntha in 2nd with lord the moon in the 4th. Exalted Ve in Pisces with it's lord Ju in GF dignity in 11th. It looks decent, still some turmoil, but it looks a bit better, at least I guess so.

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@katalina1 I have the same problem with Ernst courses there is so much information for one to be able to keep in mind specially the audio courses that where given one class a week but we take them or two classes per day!

When using yogada techniques for judging vimshotari dasha we use them for comparison.

comparing Sa/Ju to Sa/Ra, Sa is the same, Ju has 2 yogadas while Ra has one. So Sa/Ju will be better.

In 2023 Varshaphal Sun is not effecting the muntha much and is doesn't have a yoga with the lagna lord  so it will not be as big a deal as it is in 2022. Also it has an ithisala yoga with the year lord which indicates something new event will happen about the sun.

Also in 2023 both Su and Sa are benefice in the dwadasha vargiya bala which is not the case for 2022.


So the events shown by the sun in ithisala yoga with Sa are  milder and better compared to 2022.

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@ramin i wouldn't be able to study everything in a lifetime 😀 

I have watched both Vimshotari courses at least two times.. and i don't even remember what is yogada technique 😀

I also get the feeling that 2023, in varshaphala, will be better than 2022. And without even checking any positions I would always say that Sa/Ju will be much better than Sa/Ra, always! However, this 40th varga, it just always scares the sh*t out of me. And when i saw Jupiter DB there, it was the start of a long overthinking process, which led me to this post. haha

Thanks for the kind reply
