Is there any one specific place in the Jaimini audio courses where a discussion on Naisargika kaarakas, as described by Paraashara, is initiated? I know that the course jaimini-sutras-chapter-1-pada-12 covers Naisargika kaarakas, but where exactly - Which video # of Videos 1-11?
I know there is s specific course on Chara Kaarakas.
Both of those are in the early audio courses, my guess is the second one.
to clarify, in the second class of the first Jaimini audio course.
Thanks! And PraNAms.
Ernst, I think these Naisargika kaarakas in #3 of the Jaimini audio course Chapter 1 Padaa 1-2 are another name for the kaarakas generally known as Sthira Kaarakas. The manual says at page 41: "Naisargika Karakas are sometimes known as Sthira “fixed” Karakas"
I guess I was looking for the planet-based and house-based Kaarakas (e.g. 9th from Sun denotes father...,8th from Saturn death) in 22-24 and 31-34 of the Kaarakatwa chapter of the BPHS.
Is there anywhere these have been discussed separately?