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Planets strength during Night & Day - Parashara vs. Mantreshwar

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Hi all,

in BPHS it is said: "Ma, Mo, Sa have strength by night. Ju, Su & Ve have potency by day" Chapter 29, 8.-9 Kaala Bala, Girish Chand Sharma Edition

Controversely, Mantreshwar says: "Ma, Mo, Ve are strong at night - Other planets are strong during the day time" Phaladeepika Chapter 4. 1. Translation by Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha and similarly in Dr. G. S. Kapors Translation and also translated online by Vic diCara in his running course on Phaladeepika. 

so here  - again - we have two well known teachers, giving completeley different facts. and as this goes into the ShadBala-Calculation it may make quite a difference, which calculation we use.

What now? how to make the decision? which calculations do you use and why?

and is it possible to get a choice between the two options in kala to play around with this?



5 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
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My Phaladeepika by kapoor says Moon mars saturn, so does sri patti.

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Hi Ernst,

at the beginning of chapter 4, Kapoor writes: "it will be useful to know the views of other ancients". here then in this summary he gives under the headline 'kala bala' moon, mars, saturn.

but later (starting at page 43/44 in my kapoor edition) he writes: "Now we come to Shri Mantreswaras views on this subject as given in the following verses in Chapter 4 of Phal deepika"), and then mars, moon, venus are given as strong during the night. 

I don't have sri pati.

Brihat jatataka follows parashara's view as well.


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

THat is correct, thanks for correcting me. I don't thing Venus is correct, all other texts give saturn and saturn does make sense as saturn is about rest and night is the time of rest. 

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Hi Ernst, all

funningly by synchronicity I found the following. (I share this simply for information, not for contradicting anyones opinion or arguing.......)

Of day and night stars
Similarly, with regard to time, there are two main distinctions, namely day and night; day corresponds more to the male nature, as during the day there is more warmth and the living beings are more energetic in their undertakings, while night corresponds more to the female nature, due to its dampness and the longing for rest. Thus, the ancients told us that the Moon and Venus were night stars, while the Sun and Jupiter were day stars. Mercury would have a part in both qualities: With morning position he would be day star, with evening night star.
For both malefactors, however, they assigned both possibilities, by following not their similarity, but in contrast to it just their contradictory nature. Because with beneficent celestial bodies favorably connected, they will help to increase their effects, with harmful ones, however, in this contradictory connection they will limit the vehemence in the effect of such planets. For this reason they connected Saturn, which has a cooling effect, with the warmth of the day, and Mars, which has a drying effect, with the moisture of the night. Thus, each of them, soothed by the counteraction, becomes more temperate.

from TETRABIBLOS by Claudius Ptolemy, quoted in Hand, Robert, "Night and Day - Planetary Sect in Astrology" back translation from German into English with (free version)



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