Hi all, I’m curious to dive deeper into studying my rahu/venus dasa approaching in January.
it’s with the 9th cusp in the 9th, and so much other factors— rather than list everything out, I’ll attach the chart.
I also went through the foreign travel technique via Ernst class and it seems to confirm my intuition around foreign travel and relocation for me during that dasa/antardasa. But I’m curious what you guys see?
I believe a move is possible, for a move you need 1st factors and 4th factors, combined with 7th/8th factors or Cancer/Rahu. In your case, 1st lord Ju, with 8th lord Venus and Rahu. You'd also want to look at D-4.
I am in my Sa maturation year, and already had two moves. The one thing that I have seen contribute majorly is Mars in Cancer. I'd also pay attention to the Ra/Ma dasha, it could possibly move you back (Mo is proud with Ketu) or move elsewhere in 2030 period in Ra/Ma. Although I suspect it'll be more fulfilling internally (as Ma is delighted in Cancer) ...