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Hi Ernst, 

In a recent interview you mentioned that planets are associated with certain sounds. I reviewed the list of sounds in Graha Sutras and couldn't find "w" as in "water". Would this be considered a semi-vowel (Moon ruled)?

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Ernst Wilhelm
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W sound is v sound. 

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@ernst Thanks, Ernst!

Yogesh Lohra
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@ernst since we are talking sound and how much information it gives us as an astrologer where to focus in the chart - I wanted to share that there is tradition in India of Naming ceremony after child is born based on the Moon nakshatra  as each Nakshtra rules letters so it  it is better if you name the child starting with that nakshtra letter (sound) but most of the parents who has not visit astrologer will not know what sound or letter is the recommended for their child and then they may end up giving a name which does not resonane with the soul which is born my question is.... if you have clients with reasonably perfect birth time but his/her name letter (sound ) is not in sync with what moon nakshtra letter in that case which one which one astrologer pic for reading  as starting point ? did you get what I mean  so as per Moon nakshtra letter he would be more Mercury person but his name is more Venus like so which one to pick (you have the rectification already at hand before you start the reading 🙂 ) 

whats your thought on it 

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That's super interesting! Would you mind sharing where I could read more about what letter is associated with each Nakshatra? I will be naming a child soon and would love more information.

Yogesh Lohra
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@francesca I have attached the table for you also you can refer to below wiki page as well at the bottom of the page you will find the table . Also  you will find   you will find this information  in any good Nakshatra book (the one I have is "The book of Nakshatras by Prash Trivedi )

so technique is   look for Moon naktra in the natal chart d1 and look which nakshatra it rules and in which pada it is and then look in the table you will find the sound letters , hope this helps  

Yogesh Lohra
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to take this one step further - we can name the child with the nakshatra rules sound and that sound eventually will rule the Graha as per ernst table of sound .  For e.g  my  birth nakshtra is Chitra 2nd Pada - "Po " if my parents had named me Porus 🙂 the P sound would have rules saturn and believe it or not Sa is my lagna lord siting in 9th hourse along with Ju in D1 and  my current name start with Yo sound which rules Moon and Moon is neither my AK nor lagna lord in D1 or D9 , it is sitting in 10th House with Su  

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@yogesh Thanks a lot for all the useful info, Yogesh! Can't wait to check it out.

Ernst Wilhelm
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@yogesh Traditionally they give 5 names to the child, one of which is the nakshatra sound. Its not necessary, however, to use all 5 names or that name actually. So it does not mess the child up to not have that name. I don't think its good to only give that name and ignore the others actually and that its importnat to have one spontanious name. Which is the pet name that is one of the five. You can read about it more in the muhurta book under naming children. In trying to look at teh chart, see the names they commonly use.

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@ernst What about Z?

Yogesh Lohra
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@francesca would you mind sharing the link ? sounds interesting 🙂 . 

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For sure! Here's the link to the interview:

It's on page 271 "Grahas and the Alphabet" in "Graha Sutras":

I think there's an audio version of the course, too: It's in Graha Sutras 12 and starts at 59:44.

Yogesh Lohra
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@francesca Thank you , I do have hard copy of GS book will refer that too , I was more keen to see the interview as there is always some extra bits . Thanks again for the help .


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I figured you'd have a hard copy and probably were already familiar with the audio course, too, but wasn't exactly sure what link you meant, so I thought I'd just list all of them ????.

Yogesh Lohra
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@francesca my bad,  sorry for that,  I should have  been more specific and acknowledging,  all them were helpful and big  thank you for putting so much of an effort ,I truly appreciated that ,specially you mentioned the exact minute on GS audio class  and pages on book , it was very easy to have look at all of them.

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@yogesh Oh, no worries at all! I was interested in that section of the audio course, too. It's such a fascinating topic.

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Hi . late to this party, but just watched the video. Quick question on the sounds, are last names taken into consideration? First name is Kathleen (Mars) which is a heavy hitter in my chart..and then Vera last name (Moon) another heavy hitter..this was fascinating and insightful! 

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Hi All,

About 10 years ago, I changed my name to be in alignment with my nakshatra+pada sound.  While a lot did start to change for me in my life ( I would say for the better ), I now notice that the previous name and my current name are still letters ruled by the Moon.    This video we are referring to in this thread has opened my eyes to see how the letters in my previous and present name all emphasize the same 3 planets.  Sun, Moon and Jupiter. (previous name containing more 'sun' letters).

Looking back on it, I did it because I intuitively felt the draw to change my life energies via my names, but now I see that it might have been divine intervention keeping the name with a moon emphasis.

I have 3 people who have recently asked me to help them find a new name or nickname and it might not be as simple as finding the nakshatra sound.  What would that then emphasize in the chart?  What would that be 6th, 8th, 12th from, rasi aspecting, LA's, etc?  Would it always be in their best interest to change names or change it to a nakshatra sound?

Sometimes, I'd like to go back in time and change my name to a Jupiter sound instead. Or maybe that would ruin everything because my Jupiter is starved by Venus?  I'll have to investigate.  Does anyone have a scientific way of figuring out what the best course of action would be?
