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The Function of Predictive Astrology For Spiritual Growth

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(@Anonymous 29753)
Joined: 2 years ago

I am unsure of the usefulness of trying to predict future events for myself. What is the use of trying to predict future events? From my experience: being told about my future has led to taking less personal agency in my life.  Would some people care to chime in on how prediction can be empowering in a non pathological manner for the spiritual seeker?

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Amit Bhat
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For spiritual seekers, best thing is to learn about their bad LAs, so they can work to eliminate them. And can study the spiritual vargas d16, d20 and d24 for psychology, devotion and wisdom.


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(@Anonymous 29753)
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Posts: 46

@amit Thanks Amit I’ve been studying the Lajjitaadi Avasthas and they’ve been really helpful!

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I think Ernst talks about this in one of the Jaimini courses. Being able to predict is essentially the carrot at the end of the stick. It's what draws many people to astrology and studying its techniques, yet it's not the be all end all. Instead, some experience the study of astrology a deeply spiritual experience as it is essentially the study of the underlying structure of the universe. If there are techniques that show your life expectancy, how many children you'll have, whether you'll get married, that begs the question of much agency you really have. And if there is such an intricate system that reveals a greater plan, it does inspire awe and perhaps the belief in something greater in many.

I think beyond that it really is up to the individual to assess whether prediction is useful or harmful. It's true that for some it becomes just a tool for micromanaging. They become dependent on it and hardly do anything without it and don't trust their gut anymore. I don't think that's the point. Rather, it can help provide comfort to people going through difficult situations knowing that things are as they should be and better times are coming. It can show why things are hard (maturation ages, karmic load) and what they can work on. And it can serve to mentally prepare yourself for difficult times. Most astrologers knew something momentous was going to happen in 2020. Though no one knew exactly what and to what extent. Sometimes forearmed is forewarned, if you are meant to catch a glimpse at what's ahead.

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Also to add to what Amit said, there's a section in Jaimini Sutras on what spiritual path one is most likely to take and grow on. I think it's "Moksha and Bhakti from the Svamsha's 12th".

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(@Anonymous 29753)
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Posts: 46

@francesca I’d be interesting in exploring this. Does Ernst discuss this technique in one of his courses?

Yogesh Lohra
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@benzanwhipple you are absolutely right events are irrelevant whether you know them by help of astrologer or it just happens along the path  it is ultimately the fruits of our karmic account payable or account receivable. The role of astrology was to put as many says light on this incredible human life which  basically means seek your true career after getting the human body  (Jaiminy career determination serves well in this matter ) and how grounded or distorted you will follow that path (your internal experience while following the path your were suppose to follow ) is what your LAs will tell you (that is how we respond and feel ) if you know this two factor well for your self whichever path you choose Spiritual and any other it will help to grow better in that path and will keep you grounded to follow the ultimate goal of all life to melt into supreme sole (param atman) , even best of the  best spiritual seekers suffers from bad LAs including Rama , Krishna , Christ   take any one so the best question to ask astrologer is to who am I ? why am I feeling disconnected sometimes ? whats  is the strength of my soul , body and mind and how can use them to carve the best version of myself ? if you know this well rest of the life events wont bother you much  

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