hi ernst,
going back to focal bhavas as part of the concrete predictions course, i come again with a question that is not resolved with me ,and going through other people questions about the same subject, i still couldnt find a direct answer.
if a lagna lord is in taurus (12 cusp), aspecting libra, and libra doesnt have a bhava cusp attached to it, but it is 5 places from the lagna (gemini lagna) does Jamini rule of intelligence still can be considered or does it just apply when the lagna lord aspect the 5th cusp specifically?
so generally asking:
as we determine the focal bhavas by the placement of the ak and lagna lord( the cusps they are joining and aspecting etc) what is the case if they aspecting or in the case of being aspected ( aspect to lagna or ak) a sign or by a sign, or house lord (sign lord) that does not have a cusp attached to it?
do we refer to that sign as a house number from the lagna or do we ignore that sign , as it doesnt have any cusp attached to it, and therefor ,no Jamini rules apply to it?
Yes, do consdier that 5th as well. Start with the bhavas, that will be more focused for that indiviudal, but anything that is based on just the rasi applies as well.