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Manifesting/Separating strength in points

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Hi Ernst en all,

This the table for converting dignity into manifesting/separating points:

Dignity Manifesting Separating
EX 60 0
MT 45 15
OH 30 30
GF 22 38
F 15 45
N 8 52
E 4 56
GE 2 58
DB 0 60

This really seems to skew the scores in terms of separating strength. I mean if you drop one dignity from EX to MT it loses a 1/4 of its manifesting strength but a drop from DB to GE only loses 2 points of separating strength, plus GE is a lot more common than MT and OH. According to this table a OH planet is like a N with 30 manifesting and 30 separating. In practice it also doesn't seem to work. 

Look at Steve Job birth time at 19:15. Just to summarize the varga if I add up the manifesting points of Me,Ju - separating points of Sa,Ra and then make Su half separator and moon a half manifestor, make a Ma & Ve half manifestors if they aspect their own sign I get the following:

1st: -24, 2nd:-81, 4th:-16, 10th:-32

This is not a method that Ernst gave but anyone is welcome to go though the rasi dasas and work out the score for each activated rasi and you'll see it all down hill for Steve and Steve isn't the exception. You can look at Spielberg also all down hill and his birth time has a AA roden rating.

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

manifest and separating strengths are only in the context of if a planet is helping another manifest or separate, so if mercury is in GE, and its aspecting something, its ability to support manifestation is very little, but it will do what it can do. 

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Posts: 72

@ernst but according to your table Sa in neutral has 52 points of separation but Me in MT only has 45 points of manifestation. That doesn't make sense how can a planet in N be more powerful than a planet in MT?

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

What you are looking at here is the subha and asubha value, it's a quantative value. A planet doing something bad will easily do a lot of bad as it gets so much asubha, inauspicious value. This is one of the values we use to judge yogas. So if a planet is in a good yoga, we use its subha value, in a bad yoga, its asubha value. Its fair because there are more good yogas than bad. There are more good houses than bad. And, while a planet gets severe asubha points for being in bad dignities, there are 5 good dignities and three bad. 

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Posts: 72

@ernst ok so the subha and asubha phala table works for yogas but what about for Jaimini and judging the manifesting and separating effect of the planets on the rasi. The manifesting and separating planets are roughly 50/50 so making a N give 52 separation and MT give 45 point of manifestation doesn't seem to work.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

I explain how to use the manifesting and seperating planet's in the concrete chart and varga analysis course, so please review that.
