Rasi aspects vs. We...
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Rasi aspects vs. Western aspects

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Hi Ernst and everyone, I know Rasi aspects are fundamental to Vedic astrology, and I've been putting off learning them because western aspects like trines, sextiles, squares and oppositions make sooo much sense.  I don't see the need to learn another system, but I will if I have to, I just need help to understand their basis.  I can see how western aspects manifest in me, like they're grounded in western psychology; for example, my mars is square saturn, so I have difficulty with authority.  Where do you see rasi aspects manifest?  Is it just on paper?  Something that you just believe?  How do westerners understand the workings out of rasi aspects?  THis might be the simplest thing ever, I just am not getting it.

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Ernst is probably the best person to answer that, but I love using Rasi Aspects. I use them is several ways. Rasi Aspects don't invalidate the western aspects. In fact, I use those all the time when I do Tajika Prasna and Varshaphal. They just give another layer of information that you can't get from western aspects, no matter how tight those aspects end up being.

So in your chart, besides the fact that you have a Mars square Sun and difficulty with authority, and that Mars and Saturn are cruel planets that will impact that specific house accordingly, now Rasi Aspects allow you to see what aspects come to each of the signs (Rasis) and houses where the 2 planets are located, is there more help or more hardship coming their way?

Do you have gentle planets and trine and 10th lords Rasi aspecting that Mars for example? That would allow the house where Mars is, and the houses Mars rules, to become more prosperous and grow with more ease. If there are more cruel planets aspecting, or more evil house lords (3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 12th lords) rasi aspecting for example, that would hurt the field where Mars is, and also what Mars rules.

Then I also look to see who rules Mars and see if that planet rasi aspects, and also check for Jupiter and Mercury conjunction and rasi aspects, as they can manifest the house where Mars is, too!

Those are a few of the ways I use Rasi aspects. So now we know that we have 2 cruel guys in angle from each other (active spots), but we also find out which one manifests more the concrete things it rules or touches, we also know if those things are bound to be stressful due to Mars and Saturn being cruel, but still growing and flourishing, with hard work and support, or just causing the person to have a harder time succeeding at those things and annihilating the house.

Disclaimer: I don't have western background...I was just hoping to get you excited about exploring and actually benefit in practice from these Rasi Aspects. Their use isn't limited to what I just described 🙂

Also, unless Mars and Saturn are in dual signs, they do not rasi aspect each other, which would be good news!


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@mirela. Thanks Mirela!  I appreciate you taking the time to reply.  I'll watch the course.  Maybe there's another aspect at play that isn't psychological.

Ernst Wilhelm
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THere are many types of aspects and none is better or worse than another. The technique used determines the aspect to use. So if you are using Jaimini techniques, you have to use rasi aspects. It wont work with other aspects. If you use persian greek which are now western techniques, you need to use sextiles, trines, etc. If you use lajjitaadi avasthas, you need to use planetary aspects of Parashara. If you are using Sarvarthabhadra chakra with nakshatras you need to use Nakshatra aspects.,

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@ernst ok I've been convinced.
