Hey everyone,
i'm a little bit confused about Jaimini's Sutras I; Passion from the Svamsa.
1.2.53. drigyogabhyām adhikābhyāmāmaranam.
Additionally aspecting or conjuncting – more and until death.
In this case as it says additionally i understand it's completely related to the above Sutra;
1.2.52. tatra bhrigvangārakavarge pāradārikah.
In that case, in Venus or Mars’ Varga – adultery.
But later when Jaimini talks about the influences of Ketu, Jupiter & Rahu, as he doesn't say aditionally, i'd like to clarify if the indiciations he is giving make reference to this planets aspect or conjunct the AK in the D9, D7 or the D1 in a Venus or Mars sign. Or if the indications also make reference to these planets conjunting or aspecting the AK itself in the D9, D7 & Rasi (without being in the sign of Mars or Venus).
Thank youuu ????
are you asking if the reference is AK to Ve or Ma varga ? or if the reference is to AK and conjnct planets in Ve or Ma varga ?
I think its just AK.. so if AK is in Ve or Ma varga or if there is any Ve/Ma connections through aspect that also aspects the AK; or if Ve is in Ma varga or Ma in Ve varga and that combination is related to AK.
Basically, any Ve, Ma connections related to AK in D-7 would be first place to look at. And even if it exists, but Ke is also aspecting, then it neutralizes the excess.
That is my understanding, but will wait for others/Ernst.
When Jaimini talks about ketu, jupiter, rahu, he is adding factors to the original sutra which is that of svamsa being in rasis of mars or venus. So these are influeces to that.
Thanks to both of you 🙂