Okay so I watched the video for self abiding (general video), and Jupiter starved by Venus. I don't think the self abiding video for Jupiter is up yet. But I am wondering how to combine these two things.
One thing I noticed was that in the general video for self abiding you mentioned that sometimes the planet will just not even get involved in relationships, which is true for me. I have Jupiter in Pisces and Venus in Virgo aspecting Jupiter with 50 varupas. And I rarely get involved in relationships.
From watching your video with Venus starving Jupiter, it would be more so about the pleasure instead of things that matter, even relationships that matter, until in that period your luck runs out with those pleasurable things. Which yes I am at the end of my Jupiter Dasha and the last 4 years, those things have totally run out, and I have just been on my own, very rarely experiencing enjoyable things.
So is that kind of how to interpret Jupiter self abiding starved by Venus? The Jupiter will fail to get fed by the pleasurable things, to the point where it doesn't even bother with pleasurable things anymore and just isolates?
Is it that once finding more meaning or relationships that have more depth and matter, then it can feel safe to no longer isolate and experience the pleasurable things again in a more meaningful way?
the beautiful thing about self abiding planets is that they can withdraw and find the self, do what the self needs, and from that heal the bad avasthas and then connect in healthier ways.
I may be able to answer your question. Ernst's reply also gave me new insight regarding OH planets. I have that combination of both delight Ve, starved Ju. And also I'm moving towards the last 4-5 years of my Ju dasha.
I dont remember which course, but Ersnt mentions Ju/Ve and Ve/Ju are very challenging periods irrespective of other things. That is when you grow the most as a person, but it does so by killing something. So that you can rise above it.
Not sure how Ve starvation on Ju plays out in other areas but I think Ju will have strength to deal with it.
I think about luck, he means in Ju Ve conjunction. I do have that in Gemini and toward the end of Ju/Sa my luck did not exactly run out, but I fell ill and couldn't enjoy much at all. It took the whole of Ju/Me to heal.
I can relate to the the self abiding planet that Ernst mentioned. I have Me too in there in Ge. I withdrew myself from everything to study scientifically about relationships and health, get all info and try it. When I had a comparison, I chose the best method for me.
That's how I even found Ernst's videos. After I got through them, I started to engage with the world again.
I am assuming you might tend to withdraw to understand something about yourself through philosophy or wisdom or some Ju thing.
Haha, I just wrote two paragraphs, and Ernst explained in two lines. Ke in Vi! and Me in Ge! :D.
Very interesting!
" I even started taking testosterone/performance enhancing drugs, which must be a Rahu in Aries thing, lol." - Haha for sure!
"I think that's the thing I like most about astrology/I-ching/tarot is the wisdom or philosophy behind it, not so much the predictions. " -- sweet; same I like the Lajjitadi avasthas and resolving mental trauma part. That must be Ra/Mo for me.
Glad to know you are getting fitter