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Charas, Bhaṅgā, cannabis , Shiva?

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Is the translation about Shiva consuming cannabis correct? I never heard of that before. In Graha Sutra or the medical course Cannabis is grouped with Mars from what I remember. I always thought mind altering substance was something to avoid but this spiked my interest.


In the past I avoided it, but the few times I actually tried I would be half paranoid but also I felt very intelligent, to the point that I felt I could solved spiritual theory or like my minded opened. A lot of time also I would do spiritual dreams after smoking it. Though each time I would forget what I solved during that dream. Or I was so panicked that I avoided smoking at best I could.

I main reason I avoided it was because I would be paranoid. For at least 6 years I didn’t touch it. Later on I did a lot of meditation and also hypnosis to remove my fears. About 4 years ago I smoked it with some friend and I realized I was a lot less paranoid with it and it felt more fun.


Recently I smoke it again with someone that cultivated a different species that is more CBD producing than THC. My hallucination or paranoia with that kind never occurred and I felt more motivation inducing qualities.

After getting a bit used to that one the normal one smoked by most people where I live didn’t cause paranoia either, or maybe just a little bit in the background but nothing like before.


Also now it seems my mind is more clear and I do find better ideas just after smoking it. Before the few time I wrote what I was thinking after smoking didn’t make much sense.


But now I don’t seem to be stupid while on it, most of my ideas seems actually quite extraordinary and even my girlfriend that hate Cannabis was “forced” to admit that my ideas were sound and made sense. Those ideas resolved around psychology, love, partnership, etc . I talked to her for hours and it felt like a hypnosis session but way more natural. This is the kind of spiritual connection I never made before with anyone. It’s strange to explain that experience but it’s like I’m more a true believer of God while smoking, I’m less pessimist.


Since the first time I smoked I always thought in the my back of my mind that this plant has a spiritual purpose. But I couldn’t go further in because the fear was too much. And I think that fear is linked to change, the fear of change, or fear itself. My theory is that smoking removes the barrier to your unconscious mind or your higher self. But since most of us are afraid of truth we have to face while smoking then we don’t or avoided it. While smoking lying to yourself seems harder, I have a very hard time to not say truth while on it. And I think one of the reason I feared it so much is that I couldn’t escape the lies in front of me while on it. I would see how much my friends weren’t my friends at all, that it was shallow, I wasn’t myself, I was avoiding my spiritual nature because I feared that no one would accept who I really was.


Most of that is gone now but still sometimes I’m way more on edge and I say what I really think, and to my surprise the result is better for everyone. Also how I restrained myself out of getting used to be an astrologer like it's a normal boring thing to do, I also go too much on the scientific side and not much I’m being a spiritual loving person. In short Cannabis effects either make me fearful while with toxic relationship but also make me more connected if I’m alone or with some good friends. It seems to have meditative qualities and can also make you closer to a genuine person.

But if a person ifs full of fears, in a bad environment, or with fake friends it seems to make the person face their fears and it is quite a difficult experience, unless someone is used to face their fears. It seems quite close to what most story say about ayahuasca when used correctly by shamans.


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When it comes to meditation (back when I used to take meditation very seriously), I always got more dialed in without cannabis. When it comes to creativity though, or getting in the zone with playing guitar or combat, its incredible. Some of the greatest music of the great 70s was written by the fuel of Cannabis. 

But... it can also throw me completely off, and make me really uncomfortable. I found in the beginning it was delightful, and really great for exploring consciousness, especially when I was younger and started learning about the mystisicm of the east. Later on though I found I just didn't feel right while on it, and I figured I had simply learned all I needed to learn from it. 

With mushrooms or peyote, if there was an uncomfortable experience, usually there would be a pronounced benefit afterwards. With Cannabis, if I had an uncomfortable experience, I didn't feel the benefit afterwards, and in fact, if I kept having those experiences, I would start to become more and more uncomfortable on the regular, almost reshaping me to be worse off. Instead of unearthing work on myself that I needed to do, it created more! lol

The only time I can do it now is if I have had alcohol first, and the vibe is right. 

As for the actual scriptures I am uncertain. If I were to guess though based off the established practices of the shaivite aghoris or kaulas it has probably been used for spiritual purposes much like many other plants in other cultures for a very very long time. 

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The bad experience could be there for multiple reasons, at first I thought it was a bad plant. Though now I tend to think it's meant to be used for mastering your unconscious mind. And if you are uncomfortable afterward you should stop using it as you are not ready to face your fears.

Alcohol kill the effect I think and with alcohol I do feel uncomfortable the next morning, and it's because it's not good for your health. With Cannabis I don't feel that it is doing anything bad to my body, at least if it is it's not easily perceptible like with alcohol.

Though one thing that I would recommend is to not smoke a pure joint of cannabis, mixed it with other plants, take a low dose at first. Big dose at first is what cause the most extreme experience. Though I do think those nightmarish experience can also be rewarding spiritually but I think it's better to be safe here.

I actually followed a course of hypnosis that use also meditation as a way to master your worse fears. So with that course you are basically doing the same thing as you are doing with a plant but it's more natural, and you can have hallucination in the same manner you would with a plant. It's one of the best course I ever followed, it's also one of the best thing for memory. This course could be the reason I don't get paranoid anymore on Cannabis.

But back to Cannabis from what I gathered online it seems Shiva was doing the same thing with the plant, mastering himself, at least if the translation is correct. Though they also say to not use Cannabis yourself if you are not Shiva, as only him can use use it.

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It could also be how the plant is grown, at the end of this video she explains that perfectly.

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@lorris Yup that could definitely make a difference, I was from Vancouver B.C. and it was almost always really strong, and back then it was usually from the Hell's Angels. Later on, now that people can grow up to 4 plants for personal use legally, a friend of mine grew some wonderfully in his back yard, organic style... much gentler and better energy.

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I'm in a french territory and here the law we don't really know, most say you can plant for personal use, and the police doesn't arrest you if you don't have more than 1 plant it seems, maybe 2 is possible also. But I never heard any official on TV clearly stating the law, it's a complete blur. So here rumors is the law, everyone ignores it, sometimes even the police doesn't know. I was once practicing hypnosis in the street and the police came up, threatening me like I don't have the right to do that. But a lot of people plant here anyway, it's accepted by a lot of people, though a lot of catholic are repulsed by it, to them it's a devil plant.

I think I will ask the police next time I see them on the street, I might finally know if it's authorized or not.


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