Cannabis, hemp, an ...
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Cannabis, hemp, an important seed/plant, should be in Graha sutra

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The more I do research on Cannabis the more I think this plant is more important than we think, if it wasn’t forbidden by the USA it would be the most profitable crop today.

Cannabis was used in almost every country before it's ban. It was used for the ropes in the ships, it was used for nutrition with the seeds, it was used for cloth, and for building house. It was also used for paper. And many other things, so many it would take too much time to write it all.

This plant grow faster than almost any other plants, it’s protein content from the seed makes it valuable. Paper, cloth and ropes made from this plant is more resistant, it beats every other plant in that category. Yet that plant was forbidden, probably for selfish reasons.

Apparently that plant could also be used as a replacement for gasoline.

From what I gathered in India this plant is connected to Kali. From it’s psychoactive effects and how fast this plant grow I would have said the moon rule this plant. Or maybe Rahu due to it’s psychoactive effect. I could be wrong but  it's effect remind me of the avatar of the moon, because he slept with so many women, and is behavior would have been considered outrageous today. There a carefree attitude from it, and it's not a dangerous one, it can kill your ego though, and I think that's what it does when you become fearful or paranoid from it, the ego doesn't want to let go.

On a side note as a joke maybe Ernst can replace the Kala logo with a cannabis logo 😉

For more info read the book "the emperor wears no clothes" by Jack Herer



4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
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Hemp does make a great fiber crop. Many kinds of hemp will do it, not just the cannabis variety. Hemp rope was considered the best rope. 3M developed nylon rope and spent a fortune to support the illegalizing of growing of hemp. So now we use sub quality rope and pollute the planet with more petroleum products. It's just another example of putting money before the planet. 

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There is a debate about cannabis variety, some think there is only one variety, that Sativa, indica and industrial hemp are the same plant. Hard to say if it's true or not. There are a lot of confusion about the plant for sure, the term name marijuana was used to describe the illegal plant, while hemp was just not talked or avoided so people forget it was useful.

One theory on Cannabis say that it's the same plant but the THC content or it's form vary depending on how it's used, meaning over years and years of selecting the best gene for a specific intent the plant start to become different. For example they say the Indian/Arabic version made to cultivate Hashish contain more THC, but the fiber in it aren't good enough for industrial purpose. But lets say they cultivate the Arabian/indian version for fiber, maybe over years of selecting the best breed it would evolve like industrial hemp.

My main question though would be: is the seed nutritional value good enough that it could replace rice for example? Does it compete to the point rice wouldn't be the best crop? Rice need a lot of water, except maybe a few variety it doesn't grow everywhere like cannabis. So since Cannabis/hemp can grow everywhere on the planet, it can adapt to every environment like the moon qualities. While Rice doesn't adapt as much. Maybe 200 years ago hemp was more valuable than rice since it grows everywhere, until it was banned. Russia used to be the number one producer of hemp before the Napoleon War. So if it was true they say the war was due to the plant itself, he wanted to trash Russia as they were the lead producer of hemp.

So if this theory is true wars was  fought over cannabis for centuries because it's the most valuable plant in the world. USA banned it worldwide so they could make the petrol industry a monopoly preventing other country to become independent. But now Cananbis is becoming legal once again, so maybe less developed country are going to become more independent thanks to hemp farming.

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There is also the strange coincidence that the dark age in Europe might have been provoked by the prohibition of hemp/cannabis by the roman catholic church. Since hemp was needed to produce durable ships they lost the ability to sail around the world. During the Renaissance hemp was again produced and rediscovered. And again another coincidence during that period knowledge increased, exactly when hemp started to be produced in Venice. During that 50 years after hemp being produced again the first printing machine started to appear in Europe, and probably used hemp for paper production.

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Drugs are inert chemicals that have no effect on human beings who choose not to use them. No one has to smoke cigarettes, and no one has to shoot heroin. People smoke cigarettes because they want to, and they shoot heroin because they want to.

--Thomas Szasz

Although the attitude towards drugs is different through time and between cultures, it is notable that people resistant to systematic oppression have been associated with cannabis in particular. The famous mind control survivor Cathy O'Brien has been a champion of cannabis.
