Last seen: Feb 14, 2025
@ernst Thank you for replying.It was one of your free core/fundamental videos that revealed to me how complicated bhava deliniation is precisely becau...
Although I was triggered by his globe-earth assumptions, here is a talk relevant to the topic:
@staffan My mistake for just using the linked video as an excuse to reignite the original thread topic! We are sort of talking cross-purposes.
@staffan Forgive that I've probably spammed these before, but I do think the inimitable Witsit comes through with the essential points in these two ed...
@staffan Indeed, I am persuaded by Ernst's essay concerning the zodiac. St. Pierre is not an astrologer, but he does recognize a fundamental misunders...
What makes the Zodiac Constellations Special? wheel-of-time.jpg
The heterodox astronomers are finally onto the fact that the solar eclipse is not caused by the moon. This was a very lengthy way to not say "Rahu":
Here are hightlights of the presentation, courtesy of the presenter who frequents AetherCosmology:
The researcher Shane St Pierre, member of Aether Cosmology, details his Flat Earth model on the following webpage: Note that although the Dome its...
Beautiful animations:
Even the astrologer is part of God's creation and cannot see the whole.Take a listen to one of Ernst's fondest readings:Ernst also repeats, per Krishn...
A few notes on this, before I further forget:A recent presentation on the Saros (eclipse) cycle:It was originally streamed on the AetherCosmology chan...