Although I was triggered by his globe-earth assumptions, here is a talk relevant to the topic:
The surya siddhanta gives a day count that is probably the oldest and most reliable calendar. However, the hindus have messed this calendar up during the dark ages and astrology still suffers from that. In even in this there are two versions of surya siddhanta, one has the days 28 days different which would mean that the lord of the month would be off by 28 out of 30 days, the lord of the year would be off by 28 out of 365 days but that the lord of the day, the weekday, would be the same because 28 is divisible by 7. Also, the norse culture and the indian culture weekdays lined up so its most likely we can at least trust that. It's a hard thing to fuck up a seven-day week. It's an equally hard thing to fuck up when the sun moves north, but the Indians have managed to do that by over 3 weeks celebrating this on Jan 14 instead of Dec 21 even though the indian govt said in 1951 that dec 21 was the correct day, the public kept the erroneous tradition that started about 1500 years before when the hindu's started to calculate this sidereally due to loosing the knowledge of precession during that time.
What out for what psuedo astronomers say who do not understand spherical astronomy and tell you that the earth is flat or that the moon does not cause solar eclipses.