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Hi @Ernst and Everyone,

Yesterday I woke up with hives all over my bum and the back of my legs and arms.  I'm not putting anything on it and taking anything based on what you(Ernst) has written in the forum that treating symptoms can push the toxins deeper but is there something I can do to speed the elimination up?  They're on my scalp/in my hair, around ears, lower face and progressing upwards and still all over my legs, backside, back, arms and even on the palms of my hands.  The itching is so bad.  I think it might have been from a mango I had a few days ago although I'm only somewhat sensitive to them.  There are a few intense transits in my chart right now. 

All I can think about, though, is how to speed the process along without making things worse.  

Any advice?

Trying not to scratch, 



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(@Anonymous 21669)
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Hi Claire,

Hope your already on the mend. Have you tried a detox bath? Usually a mixture of Bentonite clay and Epson salts with a few drops of rosemary or tea tree essential oils. Another easy one is a straight baking soda bath or make a baking soda paste for serious problem areas. You should be able to find specific recipes via internet. Good luck!

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Thank you, @LTmoon!  This episode of hives was sooo bad...huge welts and almost covered in them but it has already started to clear up.  I didn't do a bath or put anything on them or take anything internally but I did do some lymphatic massage and I put some homemade pure hylauronic serum on the itchiest hives and that helped significantly.  I hope it didn't drive the toxins back into the body....I have a sense it didn't.  It took away the heat and itch and really helped cool things down. 

Most of the hives are still here, particularly on my scalp and my upper lip is about 5 times the normal I know that I will NEVER EVER get lip plumpers!  🙂  not that I would anyway but what a strange feeling to have a lip so prominent!  🙂

It was so odd because my lymph nodes weren't swollen at all and other than the hives, I felt fine...a bit tired but nothing abnormal.  

Thank you so much for your suggestions and I've noted them in case it happens again!  I appreciate you taking the time to make them.  🙂

Best to you,


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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@clairec Glad to hear you were able to soothe the intensity, hope it continues.


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Posted by: @clairec

There are a few intense transits in my chart right now. 

All I can think about, though, is how to speed the process along without making things worse.

I would focus on the thoughts and emotions that the transits are bringing up or brought up and the reasons behind them, and try to put them to rest. The conflict between the conscious and subconscious mind usually brings about ailments.

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@manisha I agree, and I think sometimes the converse might be true. @clairec shared in a post on another topic that she had been working with Ernst with diet and homeopathy.  In homeopathy there is a saying about healing and going backwards through the woods in the reverse order that symptoms appeared. A "healing crisis".

If she is already working at the subtle energy level she COULD be working through her past, perhaps some of those previous symptoms have resurfaced with the slight nuances described both at the physical and psychological level.  I certainly wouldn't know, only the person having the experience can contemplate what emotional or psychological experiences could bring about the flare-up.  Ernst has previously suggested EFT or "tapping", if one is trying to get through some issues and they are blocked and needing more of a concrete/physical method to speed things along. 

Oddly, I may have another example were I'm wondering of the individuals contemplation brought about a very difficult and physical event.  Lagna Gemini with Su/Mo/Me conjunction in 1st. Sa/Ve conjunct in 12th mars in 7th sag. Mars rules 6/11 and Saturn rules 8/9. transiting Saturn is sitting in her 9th, and she has been working through some emotional issues relating to both parents.

She volunteers at an animal shelter, last week a very rambunctious and LARGE dog plowed into her, and her tibia was broken. It was determined she would need a plate to mend bone. She went in for surgery on Monday was supposed to be a 1 day stay, but she had a bad reaction to the meds and stay was extended and now she's been transferred to a rehab facility. It's interesting when you consider the transits to the person's chart, with mars and rahu moving into her 12th. I suspect right now, those thoughts and emotions are NOT on her mind. So, was it just the 75% fate or did she bring a break into her life by looking into her subconscious? It's a curiosity. 

For reference her birth details: Female 14 June 1969 at 04:54 in USA Ridgewood, New Jersey.


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I agree with you completely that a healing crisis also brings out physical symptoms. But Claire’s question was quite specific. She was aware about the intense transits and she wanted to speed up the process. I would imagine she wanted to consciously work on the mental level along with working with Ernst on the subtle level. As Ernst says somewhere, mental processing speeds up the process. Add to that, Claire posed the question just before the full moon. The full moon, I find, brings in clarity. Hence I shared my thoughts about introspection.

I have not used EFT or ‘tapping’, so can’t share any thoughts about it, but I have heard good things about it. If it works, that’s great. Something else to have in the tool kit.

The difference between Claire and your example would be Claire’s willingness to work on finding a solution. If the person in your example is also ready to do it, that shows the willingness of the mind to open up. But if she is not willing, then I wouldn’t force it.

I wouldn’t say that contemplation brings about a difficult event. I find that when I ignore what contemplation brings in, is when things get difficult for me. That ignoring could happen for a variety of reasons - I have been working on myself non-stop and need a break, I have two issues and I am focusing on resolving one, I don’t want to face something painful, I am hung up on some beliefs, I can’t see a way out of the cycle, I want things to go my way, many more reasons where the energies are positive but the mind puts up blocks. That is when it manifests physically as a kind of a nudge.

12th house is loss and expense. It is also the house of letting go and endings, so as to begin anew. What is she not willing to let go of? It is also vacation and rest. I find that if we don’t resolve it on one level, it manifests on another. In my case, when I get close to an accident is when I know I have ignored something big. Or when I bump into something or hurt myself physically is kind of a ‘are you paying attention’ nudge? Sometimes, when I am not clear on something, I rest or distract myself until something gets clear that I know I can work on or work with.

Plus her Rahu is in Pisces. Does she run around doing too much or does she take time for herself? Right now, she seems to be undergoing a forced rest to perhaps allow the energies to work on her subconsciously without her conscious mind getting in the way, or with some rest, perhaps something will get clear for her that she can then incorporate into her life.

I do believe that some things are fated, but I also believe that within those fated things we have full freedom. We do not work in isolation and since everyone and everything is connected, the fated-ness just needs time to work itself out.

I noticed that the person in your example just turned 53. According to Cards of Truth, Ernst says that a person steps into the Moon card when they are 52. Her Moon card (Cancer) has the 2nd cusp (I couldn’t find Ridgewood, New Jersey, in the Kala place database. I am not from USA, so I might be looking at the wrong place. I put the closest state that I could think of as New York). I would imagine that perhaps that is where she is struggling. In addition to that, she has a mixed bag of avasthas and a few ashamed planets, so I guess she has that to work with.

If I look at it from an omens perspective, breaking a leg also means not being in balance. How balanced is her life? Since it is a fracture, where is she feeling fractured on the deepest level? Can this physical fracture help her mend her internal fractured self?

Since it was through a dog, where does her loyalty lie and is she struggling with it? Does she feel betrayed or does she think she might betray someone if she shifts her loyalties? For a large dog to have plowed into her, what big thing is there in her life that she is not paying attention to and that is bulldozing her into the ground? If she saw him coming, why did she not move away out of harm’s way? Did she think she could handle him (the situation in her life, obliquely speaking)? 

Staying for a longer period than intended in the hospital could also convey unspoken feelings of needing someone else to take care of you, or a begrudging openness to receiving help.

These are only a few thoughts out of the many floating around in my head, offered only as an intellectual exercise and not a full analysis.

(@Anonymous 21669)
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@manisha Your analysis of the chart I shared was VERY good, thank you for your insights. I am close with the persons siblings, and will share some of this with them. I neglected to mention that she has had chronic health issues since childhood, a mother that has been overly caretaking her, for entire life. During the transit of saturn in 8th and rahu in 1st she had breast cancer and opted in on chemo. From what I can see she has had a lot of "forced" rest in her life, maybe too much(?) The father died a few years ago, and Mom is in her mid 80's, perhaps the reality of facing the future without parents/spouse/children is weighing heavier than she wants to admit. Also, she is "actively" seeking answers but perhaps only if it doesn't go too deeply within the subconscious, since I am told she commonly says "I can't focus there or I will get depressed and not able to function, have to stay positive" - (?)

As far as chart goes, yes NY,NY is close I have her lagna @ 14:26 and 2nd cusp in Cancer @ 14:50. In COT it would show shamed Mo/Me/Ju due to Jupiter conjunct Ketu in Virgo. From an astrological perspective, not sure if it qualifies, even though it would seem to be the reality(?)

It sounds like your insights were on target, per Claire's comments too. @clairec It is a struggle with aging parents, who likely (don't know your Mother) are done "growing", and can't "hear" us anymore. So I suppose it's up to us to figure it out. Maybe set boundaries regarding what you can and will do with Mom, instead of "stuffing" what you want to say. Your Merc is starved by lagna lord Moon, so developing another way to express yourself would be very healing. As per Lajitaadi Avastas - you need a new habit. My first thought based off your chart, would be journaling or writing. I love that you were able to quickly identify the thoughts and emotions, connected to the physical eruptions.

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@ltmoon Just started crying as I was reading your wisdom....thank you!  Going to process now and will write more later.  LOVE to you.

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Thank you for your kind words. Please note, it wasn’t a full analysis and there are many gaps in what I said.

I wonder if she has been struggling with herself when it comes to resting or taking vacations. That struggle seems to be manifesting as forced rest throughout her life. It’s like, in her mind, there has to be a reason or an excuse to rest.

Not everyone has to go into self-reflecting mode. Sometimes, we can just make a decision that changes everything. I wonder if that is what she is looking for. Perhaps getting her to really acknowledge what she wants from life, might get her to start taking steps towards it. If she needs 15 hours of sleep, but is feeling guilty about it, then a comparison can be made with the time she has spent in hospitals or with health problems. Or if she wants to go on vacations, and feels guilty about not working, again a comparison of her vacation time in hospitals or medical bill expenses can be brought up. She can choose the easier option of the two ???? 

Sometimes we can’t see what is right in front of us, and it helps when others point it out in a reasonable manner. I know couple of people who have Rahu in Pisces. They need their rest, and amazingly enough, they work in places that allow them to go have a nap whenever they want!! With Rahu in Capricorn, it definitely would not work in my life, so it just blows me away how Rahu in Pisces gives them what they need! 😀

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@manisha and @LTmoon, thank you both for your wisdom.  The transits were quiet literal!  Sun and Mercury on top of my Lagna in Cancer.  Merc rules my 12H and natal Sun is in my 12H (with Mars and Venus). I was definitely feeling stressed out and physically pushed to my limits the day before the hives erupted...also overly HOT and spending too much time with my overbearing, demanding, verbally abusive Mother.  🙂  The hives forced me to take a much needed break and retreat into my cave, alone.  The hives are also a sign of me stuffing down what I really want to say to my Mom.  Sigh.
