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The Relationship Between Chakras And Planets

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Hello star glazers! @Ernst

Can anyone point me to a reliable source that I can do more research in regard to the relationship between chakras and planets? I have been seeing a lot of different references online and they are not quite the same. For example, some refer the moon rules the crown, but some say it governs the heart chakra. some say the sun governs the solar plexus, but then I also have seen some websites say that the sun rules the third eye chakra. 

Thank you ❤️ 

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Amit Bhat
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There is one video about rasi aspects where Ernst explained some details 

Cancer and Leo - Third eye

Gemini and Virgo- Throat

Taurus and Libra - Heart

Aries and Scorpio- Solar plexus

Pisces and Saggitarrius- Lumbar

Aquarius and Capricorn- Coccyx 

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An off topic, but in Vimshottari, if the mahadasha and the antardasha running are 6th, 8th houses from each other what does this imply? I havn't taken the vimshottari courses yet..I recall you wrote this somewhere but couldn't find it. I am running two malefics (Ke/Sa) in this manner and have been feeling it! 

Amit Bhat
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6th/8th position can indicate some breaks due to difficulties. Ke shows something is getting completed. 

In snapshooting Vimshottari course, you will get more idea of what ketu/Saturn sub period can indicate.

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(@Anonymous 27127)
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@zurie There is an interesting chapter about this topic in David Frawley's "Astrology of the Seers". Theres also some interesting videos and interviews by Ryan Kurczak talking about this.

The attribution is not really Planet = Chakra, but actually, one Pair of Signs ruled by the same Planet for each Chakra, as @amit listed. In that way, for the example you gave, Moon is in the Third Eye by domicile and in the Heart by exaltation, Sun in the third eye by domicile and in the plexus by exaltation, and so on. Some attribute Sun for Crown Chakra but it could actually be misleading or missing the equilibrium in the system, becaus Crown Chakra is out of space and time and this could not be ruled by any planet. 

Its interesting to note that there is a conventional attribution of elements for each Chakra that goes:

6) Light: Third Eye
5) Ether: Throat
4) Air: Heart
3) Fire: Plexus
2) Water: Lumbar
1) Earth: Root

In the first four Chakras, there is one Sign with the corresponding element: 1) Capricorn, 2) Pisces, 3) Aries, 4) Libra. These happen to all be Signs which also have a ruler by Exaltation. Thus i would say these are the "dominant" Signs of the corresponding Chakra. For Throat Chakra i would say its Virgo because its the exaltation of Mercury, and for Third Eye, i would say the dominant sign would depend if its a night/day or masc/female nativity.

I have edited the attached image to teach about this topic, hope you like it and find it useful!

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@psincronautica Thank you THANK UUU for taking the time to explain and even attached an image! I saved it already, and I am also reading Astrology of the seers =) I appreciate you!

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@psincronautica Thank you THANK UUU for taking the time to explain and even attached an image! I saved it already, and I am also reading Astrology of the seers =) I appreciate you!
