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The troubled planet Uranus

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Are there any ways to mitigate the problematic effects of the planet Uranus? The planet is positioned directly on the cusp of the 7th house (birth chart). Such a position very often tends to favor strange and very unexpected and difficult problems.

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I think Uranus brings a more psychological approach to how you react issues in that could also mean a breakthrough or solution to those issues.I myself will have Uranus transiting my 7th house rasi aspecting my ASC   When it enters Gemini I’m expecting some unusual solutions on how I relate in partnerships.

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Uranus, at least in western tradition, has a bad rep for being rebellious. But I really think it represents the inner child and acts in self defence. It takes a stand for our true nature.

So if it´s causing you problems in relationships, there is probably something there that you should have a closer look to. Something that you need in that relationship that it doesn´t provide. I´d recommend you to try to find out what it might be. Meditation and dreams, paying attention to omens and messages. What movies draw your attention when this happen, what books, what kind of music? Pay attention to it.

If you want to we could look at it from the perspective of Cards of Truth, perhaps the Uranus card and where it falls may give you a hint what it´s all about.

For what it´s worth...


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I have noticed that when some sudden event happens, a fire breaks out or a house wall cracks and falls over, some electrical tool explodes, etc., I have quickly looked at the time and made a horoscope and the planet Uranus has been very precisely on the cusp of the 7th house, in opposition to AC.

Likewise, I have experienced that slow planets, such as Uranus and Pluto in transit, for example, are quite noticeable at the top of the 7th house.

An acquaintance has a child with a number of health problems. Of course, there are a number of other questions, but one detail that stood out is that the planet Uranus is exactly at the top of the 7th house and makes many aspects to many planets.

I remember one of Chris Brennan's podcasts, where he had a pregnancy astrology person as a guest, and in one case he was able to mitigate the effects of a bad Uranus transit when a married couple, as recommended, started doing old-school photography, using chemicals and old traditional tools, and according to some kind of astrological assessment, Uranus became somewhat grounded and the woman became pregnant.

Perhaps there are a few ways to mitigate the possible influence of the planet Uranus with the same logic. Interesting, at least in terms of a theoretical possibility.


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@ayan I have this feeling that there is direct connection between Uranus and angels, but I can´t say why. It goes back to my short days as a Western astrologer I guess, but it was also an omen that I had. What you said about thunder made me remember that. Uranus has to do with electricity according to the westerns, right?

Rather than something that "the relationship doesn´t give you" it´s probably more something that you fail to express in that relationship. Perhaps.



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@staffan Yes, angles are sensitive area and Uranus can be difficult, of course, every chart is different. 

I also have a little history of western astrology before I discovered Ernst (one of the best things that happened).

I think Uranus, Pluto and Neptune can be quite powerful and sometimes notable difficult. I have the impression that if you can "scheme" a little with the other planets, Uranus, Pluto and Neptune are as if very resolute or "ignorantly assertive" and it is sometimes difficult to find any relief with them.

This sick young child is having trouble with his nervous system, and the doctors are rather just trying some pills. Uranus in 7th cusp in birth chart, it´s just too exact thing for not to take it just a random thing, I think.

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@ayan Oh, as you might have noticed I was convinced it was your chart that we were talking about.

I still wouldn´t consider the outer planet much for concrete manifestations. After all they are invisible for the human eye and are supposed to work indirectly. So: more on a psychological and emotional level. 


Ernst Wilhelm
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There is no such thing as problematic effects of the outer planets. They are the ones that are saving us. The problematic effects are always the limitations in which we use the other planets, so work on the planet that the outer planet is impacting, thats the problem planet, the outer planet is the one that is trying to bring that planet up a notch in working for us. 

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@ernst Thank You!
