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Hello Ernst,

a friend has asked me to look up a good Muhurta for his marriage. I dont have much knowledge and experience with Muhurta. I looked in BV Ramans book and have bought yesterday your Muhurta book and I try to navigate my way trough and find something good. 

I have a set timeframe which leaves only few options which all dont seem to look too good. Some have a good Tithi but bad Naksatra. Some have good Naksatra but bad Tithi, etc. etc. What would you say are the most important items where I should not make compromises?

Generally its a problem when one has a fixed time frame because then one really can just make the best bargain out of an bad situation. 

Another problem is that there are 2 weedings, because on one day they make the official wedding at the registry office and the next day they make a marriage with Vedic sacrifice and so. We consider the Vedic sacrifice more important but still it would be good to have both days with good Muhurtas. But to find 2 good Muhurtas is still more problematic. 

The days it should be is Saturday and Sunday. According to BV Raman these week days are middling. The time frame is between 25 July and end of August, only weekends. Its all in Uttarayana which is good but the Masa for all these days is not good. 8+9 and 15+16 August have both Krsna Paksa Moon. Only the 8 August has a good Tithi of the 2 weekends. 

Anyhow, what I would like to know, if it does not look too good, on what to focus as a minimum of good energy?

Thanks in advance and kind regards.



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The 25 and 26 of July seems to be most OK according to Masa, Tithi, Naksatra and Yoga. The transit Charts seems to be best during 8-10.15 am. Leo Lagna. Except Mars is in the 8th. But I dont know how practical these times are for the couple. After 10.15 am I am not so sure anymore. Gemini has Moon in Lagna and Mars in 7th. Libra has Saturn in 4th, Venus in 8th, Moon in 12th. I used siderial calculations for that.

Not so easy to find a proper time...


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If Venus is in the 8th but in own house Taurus, would that be bad? Would that be good for Spirituality?

If Saturn is in his own house in the 4th, that makes the 4th house strong and good, right?



Ernst Wilhelm
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Any time a planet is in its own house that house gets supported and manifested. So some aspect of that house will do well. what aspect?Find that out by looking at the yogas in the chart and see what kind of person they are. If they are spiritually directed person, then the 8th can give spiritual connection, if they are materially directed, it will bring money and power from others. 

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Yes they are both spiritually strong people and want to live such a live. They live in an Ashram/Farm community and if that placement would enhance that further that would be a blessing for them.

Ernst Wilhelm
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The most important thing is a strong vara tithi nakshatra yoga, and a good lagna and lagna lord. And then put some of the saving graces that are in the nullification of blemishes chapter. Kala will also do a muhurta search for you that is trust worthy. 

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Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the answer.


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@ernst If there is a strong VTN Yoga, the lagna and its lord are good and some of the conditions that neutralize blemishes are given, would it be ok if Venus and Jupiter were both combust?

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