Choice of Charts fo...
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Choice of Charts for a Culture

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Hi Ernst,

Recently, I had the opportunity to travel to a foreign country. I immediately noticed how differently children were treated there compared to the country I currently live in. I'd now like to do an astrological comparison of the countries and cultures that I know and look at their Jupiters and 5th house factors.

However, I am unsure of which charts to use.

1) I would like to include Germany, but I'm unsure of which chart to use. Do I use the 1948 chart of when Germany became a Republic or do I use the 1990 chart after reunification?

2) How do I account for regional differences? So, for example, how would I look at East Coast US Americans versus the South?

3) Are the charts of these countries even appropriate for this kind of analysis? Or will they only show how their governments rather their cultures treat children?


2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

You can get a good general idea from that using the time of the birth of the country. For germany use the 1948 chart. For east germany use the 1990 chart. 

for regional differences you will need to know the time of birth of that region, so in the US that is when states became a state. 

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Posts: 159

@ernst Thanks, Ernst!
