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Commingup Mars/Sun Conjunction and Ve/Ke Conjunction

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Hello All

Dear Ernst

Thank you very much for creating this section. please check if the following are correct.

On October 8th just a few hours after moons debilitation Sun and Mars conjunct in Libra and about a day later Venus conjuncts Ketu in Sagittarius, while moon is still in Scorpio.

Venus and Libra are both afflicted at the same time. In this time of pandemic having a weak Venus which rules nursing, comforts and genes may not be a good sign. (Jupiter Lord of Ke/Ve Conjunction is also starved by Saturn Karaka of Disease and Karma).

Sun and Mars conjunction in Libra while Sun is debilitated and Mars is Starved by Mercury at the same time Ve, their lord, is afflicted in Sagittarius and Jupiter is starved. This also shows a very disturbed Fire element which is needed to deal with infection.

Can these mean we will have a very severe up rise of covid 19?

and with that Ve/ke Conjunction new strains will appear that we have no Vaccines for?

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This day is my birthday. I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts about these transits as well.

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My understanding is that Ernst looks primarily at eclipses when it comes to mundane astrology. They seem to have a deeper impact than the transits of fast moving planets like Venus. There's a thread where he mentions the upcoming eclipse & Moon/Mercury healing combo:

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Posts: 236

Hi @mona

Thanks. I'll look into it. Also taking the eclipses as primary factors makes a lot of sense otherwise we would have faced a lot of great changes in humanity in short times. I just think conjunctions kind of help us fine tune the events in big cycles.

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Posts: 236

dear @mona 

About the December 4th 2021 eclipse please sea my new post:

