Eclipse chart at Ya...
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Eclipse chart at Yamakoti

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Hello Mr. Wilhelm,

Thank you for the insightful Youtube videos.
I would like to ask something about casting the chart of the eclipse.

Should we first cast the chart of the eclipse according to Yamakoti and then see what connects to what with anything local we are concerned(-either the country’s or the person’s)?


Thank you


8 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

yes, you can cast for yamakoti first. or  you can just see the bhava lagna which is the time lagna calculated for yamakoti, just make sure the bhava lagna option is set to yamakoti and not local place. 

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Posts: 76

@ernst thank you & will check the settings for that. 

Amit Bhat
Posts: 885
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Joined: 5 years ago


Hi Ernst

Thank you for the video on eclipse.

I have few queries as below : 

1- If in an solar eclipse, if there is no planet conjunct sun/moon, then what theme it could take on? Would it be the theme of Rasi qualities?

2- For determining eclipse impacts on personal charts, do we cast the chart for the place where person is residing currently  or their birth place?

3- How can we get the time for yamakoti. Google doesn't seem to help with that! Co-ordinates I found from an earlier thread - 0N0 - 165E46. What timezone/dst need to be set on kala?

4- Does the partial solar eclipse affects the countries/people also where it is not visible?



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@amit You can use LMT (Local Mean Time) for Yamakoti. When you enter the coordinates, you click the down arrow for Time Zone and you will see LMT for the option. What I do is enter the day of the eclipse and then tweak the time until the Sun and Moon are exact.

For other questions, these are my answers...

1. look at the deities of the vargas that are pertinent for the placement of Sun & Moon, and manifesting Rasi aspects in those divisions.

2. I do it for birth place.

4. Yes, but more for where it is visible.

Also, eclipses really affect planets when they are in close degree, not always conjunction, I have found (I've done a lot of research on this). The eclipse happening at 2 degrees Scorpio will affect other planets in the chart that are very close 2 degrees of their Sign with about a 3 degree orb, especially if the eclipse occupies an angle from the karaka.

Amit Bhat
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Posts: 885


Thanks Laura

Okay, after entering LMT, should DST =0?

I have not studied dieties so far. Could you please let me know which course that is ?



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@amit Yes, 0 for DST. He mentions them in the very 1st Varga course for the 1st 12 vargas, I think it's called vargas in depth. The deities for higher vargas I studied on my own. You can also use the qualities of the Nakshatras I forgot to mention. I also use the day lord which is different for eastern and western hemispheres. 

Amit Bhat
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Thank you Laura

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(@Anonymous 21669)
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@Ernst 3 beautiful video's, many Thanks. I am always struck by some of the synchronicity that occurs in my chart vs yours. I realized during watching these videos that my 5th cusp is EXACT on your Jupiter @ 3:48 Scorpio, this has me thinking through MANY things and certain commitments I have to my kids and my "Devotion" or lack there.  Time for me to learn/understand the 1000 names of Vishnu (Me AK).  In the video on Devotion, you speak of your father in past tense, I knew he was not doing well, but am sorry to learn he may have passed recently. I am also in Sadi Sati, running dasa of a planet in Pisces. I learn so much from your teaching and appreciate your openness with both your chart and your life, there is no better teacher for me.

Great questions from @Amit. Also is an individual with Su/Mo lagna lord or AK is more prone to experience eclipses?

