Dear Ernst
Kala has a juicy module for mundane astrology I am so eager to test and use, however I am searching for any good and time tested books/courses on the subject.
What do you recomend?
There are really no good books on the subject. There is just a bit mentioned in the muhurta books from India: Kalaprakasika and Muhurta Chintamani. Everything in those books is in kala on that screen in the lords of the year section, that is all they have, they say, calcualte these lords and they give these effects. Best predictions are done with the aditya lunar new year chart which is the same as the new year used in China.
basically the Aditya lunar new year is the second new moon after the winter solstice?
Its the last new moon before the sun enters tropical pisces. The first aditya starts with tropical pisces.
is this chart judged using the same principles of a natal chart or are there specific rules from any text avaiable?