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Antardasa Assessment - Rasi vs. Vargas

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2 Users
Posts: 282
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Honorable Member
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Ernst and all other members of this forum,

I'm currently practicing the principles I've learned in the Vimshottari beginner's course and trying to assess what Mars/Saturn will be like for a chart I'm looking at.

This particular person is interested in whether their financial situation will improve. In the Rasi, this person's Saturn is exalted. At the beginning of the dasa, Saturn will be in Mulatrikona in transit. However, in both the hora and the D4 Saturn is debilitated. The Sutra on Mars/Saturn states that there will be increase an in wealth, if Saturn is exalted or in MT. But I'm thinking, how good can it actually get for this person if their Saturn is debilitated in the wealth related vargas? Obviously, there are more details to this that I won't all describe here. Saturn will be transiting their 12th and is in the 6th house from the Ascendant in the Rasi. All of this leads me to believe that this will not be a great antardasa for wealth. At best, it seems that the exalted Saturn in the Rasi and transiting Saturn in MT would maybe prevent it from becoming catastrophic?

How would you interpret this? When assessing how a specific area of a person's life will be, would you also put more emphasis on what you find in the Vargas rather than the dignity of the antardasa lord in the Rasi and in transit?


2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Ok, so this is a yoga, saturn in mt or ex will give wealth. Now you qualify the yoga. Its qualified with the mathematical calculations, the fact that saturn is DB in some vargas will reduce the quantity of good effects. but thats just one part of the equation. so judge it in light of the  yoga judgment factors that are in the  yoga judgment screen in kala. 

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Joined: 4 years ago

Honorable Member
Posts: 282


Thanks a million, Ernst. I didn't know this was a yoga. I won't try to predict anything about it yet then and will wait until I've taken the Yoga Judgement course.
