Hi Ernst,
When looking for missing objects in a Prasna and looking for clues on where to find the object, I'd assume you look at houses and planets conjunct the planet that indicates the missing object.
So if the planet indicating the missing object is in the 10th house, it's somewhere on a top shelf/elevated, right?
I have a question regarding other clues:
In Graha Sutras you describe the types of environments each planets rules. I had a Prasna in which the planet I think indicates the missing object was in Libra with the Sun and Mars. Would you then assume it was on the floor in the bedroom (Libra being ruled by Venus)? Or would you give more weight to the planets conjunct the planet indicating the missing object (meaning it would be below a radiator/in the kitchen/below an altar or something like that)?
Much of the details come from the signs. So water signs are below ground, earth signs on the ground, fire signs above ground and air signs high above ground. so top shelf would be air signs. Also, anythign that is "top" or "high" can be an exalted planet, opposite for low. Using the prashna module in kala can help a lot with this.