How to analyze Rahu...
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How to analyze Rahu and Ketu in the vargas

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I’ve completed both mastering Rahu and Ketu and Healing Rahu and Ketu, thank you for this amazing material! I just have some questions related to how to work with Rahu and Ketu in the Vargas: 

  • Assuming the positioning of Rahu and Ketu in the Rasi chart is of primary importance and foundational, do you take into account each bhava cusp and sign axis in each Varga to complement the Rasi analysis? 
  • Are certain Vargas more important (assuming D60, 40 and 45?) or is it fully depending on the area(s) of life inquired about? 
  • What about Rahu and Ketu in the same sign on some varga charts?



4 Replies
Amit Bhat
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Rahu Ketu most important vargas are d1, d12 and d60 as Ernst told and need to focus on their signs which will need healing after which bhavas in it will become healthy.

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@amit I noticed Ernst mentioning that in another post but I couldn't retrace it nor remember exactly what he wrote. Makes sense, thanks for your help!

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Also, if Rahu or Ketu conjunct a graha in the rasi, let’s say Moon- make sure to check Hora or if Venus D9 and so on...what you will consider on each varga chart from the rasi is the aspects it receives. 

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@veronica Thanks! I'm actually listening to the positional transits class and Ernst speaks in detail about each planet and related varga(s). Sounds like the same mechanism that you describe and it's a great way to dive deeper. I have to say I've checked Rahu/Ketu position in my D12 and D60 and it's crazy accurate especially since they are a repeat of Ketu in Venus sign/Rahu in Mars sign on a 7/1 axis. Spooky ;P
