Stuck on Ketu?
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Stuck on Ketu?

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Kristiana Y
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Hi all,

These days I am thinking A LOT about my Ketu/Rahu axis and I wanted to share and maybe get another perspective on the matter.

My Ketu is with Sun, Moon and it's lord Mercury in the 12th house (so it is pretty packed there). Rahu is sitting alone in the 6th and his lord is starved. 

From the Rahu/Ketu course I have learned that whenever one of the nodes is sitting with its lord, the node in question is emphasized which creates an imbalance. 

If our goal in life is ultimately Rahu and its house (and I am being bombarded with that statement everywhere) then how could a heavily influenced Ketu person go there? I am not looking for a magic trick, simply want to differentiate them better. 

Even though I know D1 is the foundation and the vargas are adding nuances, I wonder if Rahu's lords being in a better dignity in D12 and D60 could give that push.

Thank you in advance!



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That's such a good question! Because I also have a Ketu Moon conjunction in an air sign (and its super tight in the same degree). I can be so sensitive that I get completely thrown sideways by other people and the emotions that it totally throws me off track from the Rahu. So I also would like to hear what others say about this.  

If your Ketu is in a sign of Mercury, I am guessing Rahu's lord is Jupiter and that is the planet that is starved? I wonder if the Avasthas video on Jupiter might help with you doing your Rahu. I can see Ernst has not done the videos for Jupiter yet in his course, but there is still the preliminary video on Jupiter on his youtube which I really liked. Have you watched it? 


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Kristiana Y
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@codydeboer you got me! Ketu's lord is Mercury and Rahu's respectively is Jupiter. Jupiter is helped by Sun, Moon and a little bit by Mars, but Venus's starvation is severe and he is aspecting him too. Mercury is also aspecting so the helpful aspects are not making up the bad ones. Mercury on the other hand is not in the best shape either, only helped by Saturn and really agitated, starved and ashamed. 

My Rahu dasa passed already, I had it between 2 and 20 and frankly then I was just clueless about 6th house things (and I suffer the consequences still). 

Regarding the Rahu people - I have noticed that to me they appear overconfident (no matter the planet) or really know-it-all and believing in themselves (or I just know too many Sagittariuses). And for you is different, because you have planets on both sides of the nodes, so it should be more balanced. Are your planets with the nodes Rasi aspecting each other?

Regarding Ernst's videos - I have watched them all (but I don't know which one you are referring at the moment).



Amit Bhat
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Ketu lord with ketu means first person has to resolve Ketu karmas and then they can go after success with rahu. Whichever planet ketu moving towards shows the planet being resolved 

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Kristiana Y
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@amit Hmm, I never really thought of it as Ketu moving to and from. Thank you for the insight :)! Do you have any observation on the lords of Rahu/Ketu in vargas D12 and D60? 




Amit Bhat
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D12 shows ancestral karmas which can indicate unexpected things happening or kind of fated things. If Rahu and key factors are good in it, unexpected good things can happen and vice versa.

D60 indicates the bottom-line for everything in our life... so unless rahu has manifestation on it, we can be hopeless about those things joined by rahu and level of success with those things can have low ceiling.

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I have Ketu with the Sun and it's lord Venus, in my 2nd house and Rahu with Jupiter in my 8th house. Venus isn't doing so great since it's ashamed, agitated, and starved but it's in it's own sign, so it hangs in there...just barely. I definitely find it hard to get away from Ketu, especially since it's with my Sun. How can one escape their atma? Rahu's Lord is starved but it's in my 1st house and it's my AK and vargottama in my D9, so I can't quite tell whether Ketu's lord or Rahu's lord is the winner here. However, at the same time they're both significators of my Atma, so it's a peculiar balance for me.

I do consider my entry in to Vedic Astrology as my Rahu thing. Jupiter is supposed to describe your Guru, and my Jupiter is in Aries. So far, I think Ernst and his teachings have been a great help in keeping me sane.

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Kristiana Y
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@kam I have the same feeling about vedic astrology and Ernst's teachings :). Judging by your explanation it is indeed more balanced. 

How can you escape your Atma? Maybe not defining yourself with it...

I am fascinated with Venus/Sun conjunctions, because I have female friends with it that have totally rejected relationships and they are always dissatisfied. But it is not totally the same, as it is not ashamed (random thoughts in my head).




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@kristiana-y that's really interesting about your female friends with Sun-Venus conjunction. I've had the opposite experience with relationships. Well, I had one major relationship that didn't work out, but I experienced the rejection. Since then, I'm not really open to being that vulnerable again. I think Ernst described having Svastha Venus with other bad Avasthas (shame, agitation, starvation) as avoiding connection to avoid hurt. Essentially like trading in pain for loneliness. 

Kristiana Y
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@kam I am cautious to give unsolicited advice, but in general for ashamed Avashtas I would say - try to embrace the shame (it's only human). 



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Ah okay, so the starvation is happening because of the Venus? I have a similar thing I think, My Jupiter is secure (in pisces) but is also starved from aspect from Venus (in Virgo). I am not too sure what the exact balance of those two avasthas coming together are. I am still also not sure exactly why Venus starves Jupiter,  I think I overlooked that. 

I only have Ketu with the moon. Rahu is alone in Aries in the 5th, Mars its lord exalted in Cap. in the 2nd. So when I do creative stuff with passion, that's the zone, and its awesome. I also have a Sag. lagna, LOL, so there is just a lot of fire, and yes I can have some pretty strong, overbearing, and not always right things to say. The main reason though is I just like to talk. 

The awesome passionate force feeling gets totally knocked sideways when I am too enmeshed in other people (the ketu moon libra 11th zone). So for me I don't feel its a balance, I feel its more of an on/off kind of thing unfortunately. 

So like you, I am wondering how to not get knocked so much off track by that shit. 

What Dasha are you in right now? 

This is the video I was talking about, I love it  


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Kristiana Y
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@codydeboer ahhh, I am in trouble with my Sag comment, hahaha! I do it so often...

From my understanding Venus starves Jupiter because of their different natures - Venus is Rajas, so he thinks he is the doer, goes in the world and finds what fulfills him. On the other hand Jupiter is Sattva and doesn't have that external need at all, it comes from him. I have one friend that has 4 planets in Sagittarius and he has told me that if he has his inner peace that is all that he needs, even if there is nothing else in his life for him. And I believe him! So when Venus gets in Jupiter's way, he is blinded and looks for that inner peace or inner joy in other people or things. 

Once again I am amazed how much of a difference the houses make! 5th house with a well positioned lord sounds very, very cool! Even if you have it on/off, at least you kind of understand what you have when you have it. Maybe you can't control it now, but if it is of greater importance, I believe you will sacrifice 11th house things for your creative endeavours. When you have a taste of both, you will go with the thing you prefer. (Regarding the comment that you like talking - does that also mean that you do it because you enjoy the attention?) 

I am now in my Jupiter dasa, so Rahu's lord. In a couple of years I am heading towards Saturn dasa (which should give Rahu's effects) so I am trying to ''prepare'' myself I guess.

P.S. - I have watched the Habits of...series sooo many times! Wonderful insights 🙂 



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Ahh okay, so its the external needs vs the inner fulfillment. That makes sense. Do you experience that interpretation in your own life? reaching for the outer needs and having impede or result in less inner fulfillment? 

"When you have a taste of both, you will go with the thing you prefer." So true, that is becoming so obvious to me now. I also am noticing the breakdown of the 11th. Friends were always the biggest part of my life, and in the past few years that has totally fallen apart. I also have about 1 year left in my Jupiter Dasha (sounds we are close in our dashas), so the chapter is closing in that way as well. 

In regards to talking, sometimes I feel so super passionate about things, that I just need to let it out, and let out a lot lol. It kinda feels like my heart is bursting. I'm not sure I do it specifically for attention, more so as a need to let stuff out. But I really do enjoy seeing people come "alive" or laugh and have a good time. If I am not feeling that way, then I need to and prefer to be alone. 

So we can also get Rahu's effects in Saturn's dasha? 


Kristiana Y
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@codydeboer I think yes in a comparing way, but I assume the other Avashtas of Ketu/Moon are contributing, because I am Cancer Lagna and it's the lord and also my AK. 

I am not sure how Rahu will be affected in your case (for me Jupiter is ruling both Rahu and Saturn and majority of my life will be under these Dasas). The books say Rahu is like Saturn. Now I am watching Ernst's cards of truth videos and there he explains that if we get over ourselves via Saturn (what he requires from us and destroy our Ego), we can get what comes easy to us with Rahu (as Rahu signifies being friendly to everything and understand how it balances our life).



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