Which eclipse effec...
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Which eclipse effects prevail?

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Hi @ernst and everyone
I just finished watching the videos on the eclipses of September and October 2024 and feel like I could use some help at interpreting which eclipse may have a stronger say over the matters of one´s life, as I don´t want to commit the mistake warned by Ernst while he concluded the second video: "You need to see which eclipse is actually impacting you. If you think one eclipse is impacting you but it´s actually the other one, you are going to interpret it all wrong" 
I think in my particular case both eclipses affect me, but as each of them indicates very different scenarios I want to try and understand better which of them seems more probable.
I have got the 8th cusp in Pisces 27 degrees 40 minutes, just 2 degrees away from the lunar eclipse. On the other side, I have got Mars at 27 degrees 28 minutes Libra, which is about 14 degrees away from the solar eclipse. My intuition would suggest that the lunar eclipse qualities would probably be felt stronger, and even overshadow the qualities of the solar eclipse. Still, I am not sure, for I thought maybe Mars being a planet may have more influence and strength than a house cusp. What do you think?
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I don´t think that the solar eclipse is going to affect you much with Mars that far, and no other indications. 

