Hi All, I have been in the ER 2 times last 4 months and I've consulted 3 doctors and I have been injecting needles weekly, I am wondering what card influence are related to these things.
I would look at the 8 of Spades and the King of Spades because it energizes the 7, 8 and 9 of Spades.
To look at the cause, I would look at the first 5 Spade cards.
The Spades are the fire of life. So I would think about where the mind is putting up obstacles so as to cause the fire of life to be held back from flowing freely, thus resulting in damages to the energetic and physical body.
Thanks Manisha, sure enough I have 8 & 9 spades in the mix in my year quadration. Today I have 5 spades in my week quadration. 5-9 spades all over my day quadration as I am writing this.
Also 4 of Spades for infirmary and being laid up.
2 of Spades for medicine; like what you really need to cure you. So the needle thing could be a 2 of Spades if it actually helps you. Not having anything to do with the needles per se then, but rather the cure.
That´s how I see it.