Agenda in Trigger T...
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Agenda in Trigger Transit

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Dear Ernst

In the trigger transit course, one can see a graha triggering an event via it’s role as a cusp lord or as the relevant karaka.

I wanted to check if we can expand the role of graha (for the trigger) in line with the agenda given in Vimshottari Dasa course

Eg: If Mars rules Venus or 9th lord, but Mars doesn’t rule 9th Cusp and is not a Darakaraka, can we rely on Mars triggering marriage during transit.


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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

No, triggers do not seem to work based on dispositorship


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Posts: 159


Thank you Ernst

Could you also guide on interpreting transits to Rahu and Ketu:

  • Do they give event only for the house cusp join in the rasi and varga?
  • When we say they give result of their lords, can they also give result of lords being a karaka. For eg. can Rahu in Taurus give marriage by receiving a trigger, just by its lord Venus being marriage karaka?
  • Can the transits to them also give event for conjunct grahas in Rasi and Varga, in the same manner as for lords? Eg if they are conjunct 9th lord in rasi, can transit to them trigger marriage?


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

in transits rahu causes us to focus on the things it crosses and ketu causes us to let go and finish up on things he crosses. And no, rahu transiting taurus will not point towards marriage but it will point everyone somehow towards taurus/venus things but only lightly, the major effect is the planet it crosses and the houses, especially the cusps. 

Posts: 159
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Joined: 5 years ago

Thanks for the input Ernst

I’m seeking to know how to evaluate transits to Rahu and Ketu.

I recently checked some past marriage events through transits and found few cases where Rahu and Ketu (both natal and the transiting) were receiving transits from key planets (either Self or Marriage significators).

I know you mentioned that in such case, transits to nodes will give result of their natal rasi/cusps and lords. I wanted to check:

  • when we say result of lords, does that mean it includes everything that lord could signify. For eg. If natal Rahu is in Taurus, can transit to Rahu indicate marriage by lord Venus being karaka of marriage.
  • can we also expand this to the grahas conjunct nodes in natal position?
  • and thus, can we apply the same for the conjunctions and lords of nodes in varga charts?


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Transits to rahu and ketu are things that come along to direct the person down the path they need to take to grow. That path is defined largely by the houses rahu and ketu are in. So a transit to them is exactly the same as a transit to their lords in every way including karakaship of the planet. and yes, grahas joining the nodes are part of the path, so a transit to rahu or ketu is fixating the path and that can include the planets with rahu and ketu. 

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