Broad activation fo...
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Broad activation for Transits v/s Dasa (upto level 3)

3 Posts
2 Users
Yogesh Lohra
Posts: 107
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Joined: 5 years ago


Wanted to understand the co relation b/w broad activation and dasa (3 levels)  how we read this two in conjunction ? 

say In D1  -If broad activation is present , Transit are present and say it is first house factors which we are considering so significant even will happen which will have  impact your path in life in a major way but at the same time you are running the Dasas which does not influence 1st hours factor (no mutual agenda) or self factors  then how do I read this  ? will even happen irrespective of dasas ? or event will happen but  will have the flavors of Dasa ( I mean area of life indicated by dasa ) 


2 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3511
Joined: 12 years ago

I like to have the Dasa line up for the event before making the prediction with the transits. 

1 Reply
Yogesh Lohra
Joined: 5 years ago

Estimable Member
Posts: 107

@ernst  ok thanks ,  which means both needs to complement each other - in other words  on  own their own will not produce event  right ? kindly clarify
