Regarding Effects o...
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Regarding Effects of Jupiter

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Hello, Ernst/fellow astrologers. Jupiter is known as the guru, and generally guru has good connotations. We think of Jupiter as bringing luck, fortune, benevolence, abundance, expansion, et cetera.

What I am wondering is does Jupiter expand anything that it transits or the qualities of the house it is in to add to negative effects as well, or does it give some relief, or both? For example, with Covid, you had Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn. So it seems like Jupiter helped to expand the disease as this is known as the greatest pandemic in history, affecting all of humanity in their everyday lives like never before.  Capricorn is also the original place of the 10 th house so it was known worldwide. Just looking at this example, the answer to my question would be yes.

So I am just wondering if you look at the chart and you see that there are conditions for war or fire, or what could be considered to be negative circumstances, and you see Jupiter there, then does that have potential to become a world war or one of the greatest fires in history, et cetera, basically expanding whatever the situation is, whether considered negative or positive to a larger degree? And since it is Jupiter, would there be some saving grace there if the circumstance is considered to be negative?





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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Guru means HEAVY. That is the literal meaning of the word. The heavy attracts the light. The heavy pulls in the energy. WHen energy is pulled in, energy becomes available for expansion. Its the nature of the universe actually, energy gets pulled into a concentrated mass and then there is a point at which it cannot hold that mass and then the mass is released in a period of expansion. Jupiter does the same, it causes us to FOCUS on something, and as a result of that focus, energy is concentrated until it reaches a point of expansion. Basically, Jupiter is saying, this is the purpose to focus on, with saturn, its health. Health needs to be focused on not because of covid, but because humans have lowered the level of their immune health to an all time low and as a result there was just going to be a time that health focus would be forced on humanity, that's all that happened. The result, will be an expansion of knowledge of health. Also, Jupiter was heavily afflicted in this situation as it was with saturn and pluto and pluto south node. So the keepers of wisdom, which today are the medical doctors, need to find a new way as conjunctions of planets indicate the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Simply put, covid has proven that the medical system has failed. But they are still trying the same old things, nothing has been learned yet, But its okay, because when Saturn and pluto get together with another planet, the game being played is a very LONG game.

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Posts: 38

@ernst Thank you for your insight, Ernst. Your example of Jupiter/Guru, meaning heavy, pulling in the energy until it expands, reminds me of the yogis and yoginis--they focus and focus, meditate and meditate--and then the Kundalini rises up the spine and there is the expansion of consciousness and realization/enlightenment occurs.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, its exactly that thing. 
