Sade Sati and the 4...
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Sade Sati and the 4 purusharthas

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The good transits of Saturn from Moon in Sade Sati, 11 and 3, will always belong to the same house modality: Artha, kama, moksha or dharma. And the same Zodiac sign element: Water, Fire, Earth or Air.

Does it make this modality auspicious? In which way important or useful for life? Does it indicate the working way for us to adapt to the world?

Here my case:
The 11th from Moon is my 8th house, Scorpio. And the 3rd from Moon is the 12th, Pisces. So in my case Moksha is doubled.
Interesting that the Moon itself is the other Moksha lord.

Saturn is now transiting my 12th. (3rd from Moon) the feeling is very strongly 12th house taste. Quite scary feeling of endings. Even of a life way? and trying to figure out which new element, which new tool it will bring.

When Saturn was transiting 11th from Moon, my Scorpio 8th, it indeed produced a deep transformation. I don't know if it was easier than Sade Sati, but for sure it had a different taste. The transformation happened in a landscape of dealing with health problems, general crisis and unsuccessful relationship. (Saturn is also the dispositor of my DK).

It was however undoubtedly the transit of Saturn through Libra, my 7th, which was extremely creative and joyful. Full of energy, drive, inspired actions, flexibility and connected to the contexts...
And what was expected to be the climax of those adventures, going to Japan for almost 3 months became on the contrary a radical turning point. A complete cut. Started as the lost of innocence,
and a severe injury preventing me to dance. There were 2 deeply transforming and painful relationships, one was very short but still devastating. Health issues, anxiety, insomnia. Not being able to dance, only teaching a bit.

Something helpful Saturn could have brought? Yes, a couple of things: the study of the Feldenkrais method, which helped me greatly with the health issues during Sade Sati years. And also a very good friend and loyal student who came into my life, who accompanied and supported me all along Sade Sati.
As Sade Sati started I was getting back into dance.

What I did not get? When Saturn 11th from Moon, 8th from Lagna? One: relationships. Two: Success. My dance work has always been in an underground scene, alternative. When Saturn was in my 7th, I got a couple of official grants to create dance pieces. Especially the second one could have been a great opportunity, but Saturn changed sign meanwhile and deeply injured I could not work in it. I just used the money to pay half a year the rent of my appartement as I could hardly do anything.
In fact both are kama devices. The new things that maybe it was good they didn't happen.

Kama gives satisfaction to the Moon, right?
But in my case, this kama is connected to what I have to give up, Moksha, for my path?

Now Saturn is transiting my 3rd from Moon, 12th from Lagna. The useful elements the previous good transit brought have paled its vividness. And while most things are not working, the old interests are depleting and again health issues are coming up.

The only way to navigate it seems to be to open the heart-mind and trust this big change to unknown destination, which my mind finds very beautiful but it's not easy, though, and it involves feelings of grief.

Dear Saturn, karaka of loss, come in, take a sit, everything is in your hands, Jupiter told me it will be ok.
