Transit of Rahu in ...
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Transit of Rahu in 1st and Saturn in 12

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Studying the Positional transits and looking at my life:
The transit of Rahu through 1st house. A transit to find oneself, to find our path. But how? As it is about Rahu, can it be by doing many mistakes? Wrong doings, noticing how we have gone against an inner voice and then it's all a mesh? And seeing no way to go out? Can it be that all the wrong doings eventually become a way to wake up? I hope something like that is possible.
I don't remember anytime in my life I've felt so gone astray, as now (Rahu transiting my 1st, Aries).
And having the less time than ever to do what I want to do... It just feel a chain of mistakes, one after the other, indeed chaining me.

Could it be also the combination with Saturn in 12th?
But in fact I have the 12th cusp in Aquarius, the 11 rasi. Is it then Saturn in Pisces transiting my 12th? It feels so. Both money pressures and weakened health are active. Or it is due to Saturn transiting Sun?

Please, some help...

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you need a comprehensive overview of your situation, grasping at one astrological aspect or another will educate you but is not enough to give real insight.  

"wrong doings" are how we wake up, the pain, the suffering the dissatisfaction provokes us to wake up, so yes they can, and how much we use them to wake up is up to our attitude and approach which is something that we have to cultivate daily.  Adopting the attitude of "no matter what happens" that you are dedicated to become awake and aware is a great foundation to approach Rahu and Saturn karmas and over time it will give you the clarity that you seek.

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Posts: 111

@quasar259 Thank you so much.
You understood. It feels very good.
The 3 points you mention are so appropriate.
It gives me light and support.
Big thanks
